
Renters OR Homeowners?

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I have a rental property in OH. My tenants said something flew off the house and damaged their car. Is this a claim for their renters insurance or my homeowners insurance?




  1. It really depends on the circumstances.  If there was a high wind that caused damage to your house, our homeowners will repair your house but it is unlikely that they will repair the auto.  If there was something loose on your house that was a result of the house not being adequately taken care of, then your insurance might deny the claim.

    Best bet is to turn it into their auto insurer and let the auto insurer know who your HO insurance is with.  The two companies will work out who will take care of it.

  2. If they have renter's insurance, the company will contact you for damages. It's best to avoid courts and go through your homeowner's insurance.

  3. Their renter's coverage would not provide coverage for their vehicles.  There is a vehicle exclusion on the renter's policy.  

    Your insurance would provide liability coverage, but your insurance company would only pay if you were found liable.  Since wind caused the shingles to fall off, it is unlikely you are legally liable.

    However, if you knew that the shingles were just hanging, and any slight vibration or breeze would have caused them to go flying, and you failed to remedy the potential hazard, then your homeowner's coverage would pay the claim.  

    If your tenant's have Comprehensive coverage on their autos,  they should contact the auto carriers.

  4. I would say the outside of the house is your responsibility = renters insurance is usually only for possessions-you own the building

  5. Hopefully your rental property has a 'landlord' policy and not a homeowners policy unless you live in it.

    Your insurance covers you, their insurance covers them.  If something damaged their stuff, they need to contact their insurance.  Their renters policy won't cover the car, they need to contact their auto insurance company. If their car insurance covers physical damage, then falling objects would be covered.  If it's liability only coverage, then they're out of luck.

  6. Renters insurance only covers their property in the house.  They are welcome to file a claim with their car or rental insurance co. but those co.s will simply come after your insurance co since they know the item flew off of your house.

  7. actually it would be under their auto policy!  This is NOT covered under a landlord policy.  landlord policy would cover ONLY if the landlord was NEGLIGENT...which unless it was like a rotted tree that blew over onto the car,  it would NOT be.  Homeowners polices specifically EXCLUDE any autos!

  8. Sounds like he needs to check with his car insurance company.

  9. I would say that they should file it thru their renters insurance and they will get ahold of your homewoners insurance (if it truly came from your house).

  10. Homeowners as it came off the building.

    Homeowners covers anything they can't take with them and Renters covers everything they own.

    They don't need to report it to their Auto insurance because your property damaged their vehicle.  You are liable for their property (in this circumstance) regardless if they have auto coverage or not.  It would be the same if their bicycle or other personal property was sitting out there and was damaged.

    Good Luck

  11. Homeowners insurance covers the structure of the home and renters insurance covers only the contents (anything they would take when moving out)  But in this case I would say it should go to their car insurance as it was the car that was damaged and may have to do with where the car was parked... if not car insurance though it would be your homeowners ...Sorry
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