
Renting an apartment -- credit score?

by  |  earlier

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So, my boyfriend and I are renting an apartment. His credit is good, but mine, well, isn't. My recent history is fine, but there are definitely some negatives if you look back 3-4 years. My question is, I've noticed many places list a specific minimum credit score to rent. Will they average our credit scores and see if the average is above the minimum, or do each of our scores need to be above the minimum?





  1. Most places do not average the two scores.

    Each score would have to meet the minimum requirement separately.

    If one of two joint applicants do not meet the minimum requirement, they can deny both of you.

  2. I'm a landlord.  If you convince me that you will pay me on time, i will rent to you.  I want honest and honorable tenants who will pay on time. I don't want excuses.  It is easy to see if people understand how they got bad credit or are they still clueless. /

  3. I think they will not count your credit score as one. If you got a problem renting an apartment check this steps on how to get one even if you have a bad credit score.

  4. They will not average your scores but, if your boyfriend's is good, you should be OK.

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