
Renting and co-signing??

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OK so my relative is going to co-sign my apartment rent/lease form. and today she just sent it in the the landlord at around 1 hour ago, but the landlord viewed another person who was interested in the apartment that im filling out the form as well, and the person took a form and hasnt turned it in to the landlord yet, so what are the percentages of the landlord accepting and giving me the apartment when he has a person lined up behind me who has better income (no co-signing)? other suggestions? How long does it take for the landlord to view your application?




  1. I had to wait a few days until I got an ok. Usually, if both parties have turned in the application at the same time, the landlord will go with the applicant with the best income and credit. BUT if you turned in yours first, and the other guy is still waiting around to turn his in, you're more then likely to get the apartment before him. He's not going to wait around for the other guy.

  2. . You will never know if there really is another person or if the landlord is unsure about accepting you.  I want you to be ready to walk away and get another place.  Don't rent where you are not wanted.

    I am a landlord.  I want tenants who are honest and honorable who will pay the rent on time.  If you will do that, i don't want a co-signer. Just convince me that you will.

  3. The landlord can choose the most qualified tenant.

    An applicant that does not need a co-signer is more qualified than an applicant that needs a co-signer.  

  4. If you applied for a job, they aren't going to give it to you because you applied before the other guy...they're going to give it to the person who is most qualified.

    If the other person took the application with them, they technically have not applied yet. Again using the employment application analogy, if you turned in your application, and another person picked up the application and left. The employer does not know what qualifications that person has until they bring the application back in. In this case, the landlord knows you have a co-signer; the landlord has no idea if this person is even going to come back.

    Since the landlord loses money for every day they are not getting rent for a vacant apartment, chances are slim they are going to hold out and wait for the other person to return the application on the CHANCE that the other person has better credit than you do. If they do, they are not very good landlords. A co-signer is basically saying "I don't get to live there, but I'll pay the rent if the person who is living there doesn't". I think you will get the apartment, unless this other person is a friend or relative of the landlord and they already know this person's financial status.

  5. You only need to post your question once.  

  6. if the co signer is good credit you should get it but remember ifyou don't pay they will be respnsible and therefore you have to make sure you pay and pay on time.

  7. Landlords (of which I am one), don't give a rat's behind about if you even work. As long as you pay, or somebody else will pay, they are happy. If you received a long-term disability, I'd let you in after a telephone interview for instance.

    This co-signer of yours. How does the landlord know that they've got a pot to urinate in?

    In your situation, I would go with the guy who has better income, but if his credit sucked (which I always check), I would give it to you as my second choice - if I didn't have any stronger candidates by then.

  8. The right thing that the landlord should do is give you first crack at the property since you handed your forms in first.  I would say you have a 80% chance.  Even though the other person may have better income, you're still going to be paying for the apartment regardless so they still make the same amount of money.

    When I went through the steps it took my landlord about ten days to review my application.  You have to be patient because they are viewing a countless number of applications so just hold on tight.

    You should get the apartment first since you were there first,  I know when I applied for an apartment they didn't even look at the other guys application because mine already cleared so they sent him to look for another apartment.  I hope that helps!

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