
Renting in CA, when can they NOT charge you?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I live in CA, and whats the timeframe when they cannot charge you to clean the apt. once you move out....carpets, general cleaning, etc.? I've heard four years....




  1. .   They have to make arrangements to get you your money or explain why not.   .. and they have to do it fast.  Demand that it be done as soon as you are ready to leave.  Don't allow a landlord to say "I'm busy".  Then you won't have to look back.

    There is a statute of limitations which would probably be 4 years.  After that time, it is hard to find receipts and witnesses. Memories fade.

  2. 4 years?   What are you talking about?

    They have 21 days (CA only) to determine if they will charge you for cleaning, and how much, but there is never a time when you can not be charged for cleaning and damage to the property.

  3. Your deposit can be used anytime honey

  4. When you move out and don't clean they are going to use your deposit to get the work you didn't do done. If you were lucky enough to rent without giving a deposit they will sue to recover and you can bet they won't be waiting four years.

  5. The owner has thirty days to send you a complete statement and a check for the balance of your deposit not spend on repairs and cleaning.

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