
Renzi manages the Italian center- support electoral reform

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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The Italian center-left has two decades asleep on their laurels (and not just the victory). A peaceful sleep, leaning against complacency and victimization against the outrages without electoral punishment of Silvio Berlusconi, which has abruptly taken Matteo Renzi. The mayor of Florence, just turned 39, managed to pull himself only six weeks ago to the secretariat of the Democratic Party (PD) with 70 % of the vote thanks to two very clear promises: to retire the old glories of the left - and their old ways, and achieve record time in a thousand times postponed reforms that Italy badly needs to become a governable country. This is an election law that reflects a clear winner, with a capacity to govern, and the suppression of perfect bicameralism reducing the powers of the Senate. Anyway, Renzi, to the surprise of friends and strangers, is about to get. Yes, your way.

And his unorthodox way of doing politics goes through the nerves to put your own parish. The clearest sign came Saturday. The new leader of the center- not only decided to meet with former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, leader of Forza Italia, expelled from the Senate after his convictions, but quoted in the very seat of PD. There, under a picture of John F. Kennedy and another of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara playing golf, Renzi and Berlusconi reached an agreement in principle to approve a new electoral law that promotes bipartisanship, placing the winner safe from "blackmail " of small parties.

More on the way from the bottom - the old gambler of Italian politics, arriving first at the headquarters of PD-, the old guard of the party, whose infantry received the shielded Berlusconi clean huevazo car, marred the conduct Renzi, who was accused of unnecessarily resurrect a political corpse. The mayor of Florence, as overrun as always, replied by repeating two or three times that he had found " a profound tune" with Il Cavaliere and when criticism raged, the poisoned interrupted with a joke before the entire national leadership of the PD meeting in Rome "I am being accused of having carried via the Nazarene Berlusconi [ PD headquarters ] that led them to Chigi [ government headquarters ] palace? did you want, me to meet Dudu [ the now famous dog. Berlusconi girlfriend ]. "

Once under former Prime Minister and his wayward dolphin - Angelino Alfano, secretary of the new center-right government and vice - Enrico Letta, Matteo Renzi was filed with the national leadership of PD. He said the new electoral law in the model inspired Spanish - prevent the "power of blackmail" of small parties. "We want to win do so with a solid majority today We played with Berlusconi for future not have to govern together [ as has happened in the first months of the current government.] Thus, we propose a prize of most leading to 53 % minimum, or 55%, to a maximum of persons who have obtained at least 35 % of the vote. If any party, as in past elections, gets 35%, there is the possibility of a second round, but not between two candidates for prime minister, but between two parties or coalitions. " Despite a tough clash with President of PD, Cuperlo Gianni, who left the room, Renzi scored 111 votes in favor and 34 abstentions. No one voted against, leaving once again clear that the new strong man of politics - not only the Italian center-left is the mayor of Florence.

Another thing is the influence his strength to act in the present Government of Enrico Letta, who in recent days has received two contradictory messages by Renzi. On the one hand, the secretary of PD has not tired of repeating, and not in private but in prime time programs, the government holding his own party and Angelino Alfano " has not done anything in nine months." Furthermore, swear that their intention is not nearly that of dismounting to Letta, but to pave the way - running the reforms the country needs - governance. But the truth is that the tandem officially runs the country - Enrico Letta and Angelino Alfano, is located at light years of the strange political and media power, and especially unpredictable pairing of Matteo Renzi and Silvio Berlusconi.

 Tags: center, electoral, italian, manages, reform, Renzi, support


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