
Reoccuring bad dream? what does it mean??

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I keep dreaming my friend threatens to tell my other set of friends what i really say about them behind their back. I get so sad (almost crying) and worried that he will tell so i drive really fast down the road to escape. the dream always ends in a car crash. whats goin on??





  1. sounds like you feel guilty about being a two faced friend.  sounds like you wanna change that.

  2. It means absolutely nothing. Dreams mean nothing as all scientific data points to this. Dreams are what you want to make out of them, however, no truth of reality comes out of a dream or a nightmare.

  3. guilt!!!!

  4. It means go see a bloody phsiciatrist,your mental.

  5. its guilt. is there something happening in your life that has to do with friends and drama??? if so thats way you keep having the dream, you probably should fix whatever is bugging you and your dream will probably go away or should i say nightmare

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