
Reoccuring dream.......?

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so i am having a reoccuring dream of my daughter drowning

the first few times was in an open was kinda dark...but not really....there was a murky body of water

the next thing i remember is thinking to myself i havent seen her in a minute...and i instantly know she is in the water...i run frantically to the lake and see her face down floating

so last night it was a little different

same body of water....but we were next to a dock

she was tryin to swim to a duck.....and kept letting go of the dock finally i let her go so she would go onder for a minute hoping it would scare her

when she let go of the dock...she went under and i thought i could catch her in time but i didnt

i watched her sink to the bottom and there was nothing i could do

i woke up in tears

what do u think this means




  1. An important detail....  How old is your daughter?  This may help to understand how symbolic the dream may be and help you to see if and where any real danger is.

    For example....  If she is a small child, the dream could simply be your maternal fears for her safety and your fear that you won't be able to save her are being expressed by your subconscious.  

    However, if she's a pre-teen or a teenager....  The dream could be more symbolic of a situation you are dealing with in your relationship.  You fearing that she is getting into a situation where she is going to "get in over her head" and you won't be able to stop it.  

    A good way to interpret a dream is to compare it to your waking life circumstances.  Look for parallel situations.  

    Whether it is a warning or "just a dream", be mindful of letting your fears control you.  You could create a self-fulfilling prophecy if you spend all your energy trying to run from the fear.

  2. First of all I feel that I should point out what dreams are and why we have them.

    Dreams are nothing more than the conscious part of your brain relaying information to the the sub-conscious part of your brain to be processed with the information stored there creating new thoughts, and then this is sent back to the sleeping but conscious part of the brain for reprocessing during the REM part of sleep, this is repeat every sleep cycle.

    It's how we understand our world and learn.

    If you can learn to understand this process you will never need to pay lots of money to a head shrink just so that they can tell you want you are thinking!

    Your dream means that you are worrying about something, which is not surprising in today's world.

    You need to relax, be a fatalist when it comes to things you can do nothing about!

    Of course if you can do something about them, then do so.

    As to the details of your dream these will be due to various ideas and thoughts which you have during your waking hours and are then being assimilated with your present worries.

    It seems to me that you are worrying far too much about losing control of a situation, which could concern your daughter, but may not and could just be symbolic of another deeper worry or problem that you are not willing to face.

    There may well be a connection between this worry and your daughter but I doubt if water really has that much to do with it in a literal sense.

    You need to think both laterally and rationally about what is on your mind here!

    The symbolism of a dream is a personal choice, and the answers are to be found within yourself.

    Is there any form of stress in your relationship with your partner?

    I am assuming he will be the father of this daughter.

    My advice is to stop worrying about the details of your dreams and think possitively about your situation before closing your eye to sleep at night, this will aid you in finding the solution to the problem that you have in mind.

    Don't watch the finger, ;-))

    ADDED the other dreams may have come true in a certain sense, but if they were warnings of a predefined future then, you were either unable to change things or you did not really connect the dreams to the events until after the events.

    I would say it is much more of the last.

    The mind works in mysterious ways, check out this piece in my my blog it may seem of track but there is relevance, if you look.

    SEE: Mind works

  3. You can take this 2 ways.

    As it is. It could just be a giant fear and tell you to maybe watch over her a little more when she is swiming.

    Or you could take it the figurative way.

    drowning - To see someone drowning in your dream, suggests that you are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control. Alternatively, it represents a sense of loss in your own identity. You are unable to differentiate who you are anymore.

    death - To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life

    Don't let it freak you out too much. Dreams are in your head.

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