
Reoccurring ear infection in pug dog?

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My 9.5 year old pug has been dealing with chronic ear infections for almost a year. We've done a culture and it found that the bacteria is highly resistant to most all drugs. She's been on about 6 different high powered oral and drop antibiotics. All have failed. I've been able to maintain her condition, or at least make her more comfortable by regular cleaning with tea tree oil based solution but now I'm noticing she has blood mixed in with the ear discharge. It looks dark brownish red and dries and clogs her ear canal. I'm scared for her and don't know what to do next. She cannot undergo another surgery because they lost her twice on the table during her last surgery.

Please, any advice. Is it time to put her down because of this? I don't know what to do and neither does the vet. She recommended a specialist but we've already spent over $4000 on her this year and funds are running out. Can someone tell me something for this situation?




  1. my pit had same issues. vet told me to use 50/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and a baby dropper to flush his ears with. Just squirt it in and they will shake it out. But wait until its not bleeding anymore before you do that. It does work.

  2. put the dog down for an ear infection she may be scratching it which could cause the blood did it ever occur to the vet to test her for allergies she could be allergic to either something she is eating or maybe the oil you are using on her she is only nine  

  3. DIXIE DOG TREATMENT.   Onkly thing ever needed for bacterial-fungal-or yeast infections in dogs-vets will bleed you dry and this is CHEAP and works.(i worked for vets, have tons of animals and am a groomer:))  

    MIX in a squeeze bottle....

    16 OZ rubbing alcohol

    2 Tablespoons BORIC ACID (Found at any walmart pharmacy section)

    few drops Venetian violet -walmart also- optional. I don't use.  It stains and the rest doesn't.  Shake before eacjh use. Flood dog's ears 2x day for as long as it takes- 1-2 weeks usually. massage and stand back. Anything they shake out wipes off walls easily.  

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