
Reocurring dream about a religion....and Magick ?

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I keep having these dreams about the religion Santeria and magick...A few nights in a row and I'm trying to figure out what it is. I am not practicing a religion at the moment.




  1. well i can tell u rite now ur going to h**l if ur not a christian

    im not here to preach. do what u want. i just feel obligated to give u the facts

  2. i do not belief that just because someone is not christian that they are automatically going to go to h**l. i am a catholic.i believe that as long as you bllelive that you are trying to live your life the way that GOD wants you to to the best of your ability that your soul is in his hands and he will make the final decision. now about your dreams... i don't know much about santeria but if what i do is correct it is about majick. and it not good majick. i believe in majic ...good and bad. i believe it is not something for amateurs to mess around with. what is going on in your life right now that might be causing these dreams of yours. when you dream you in dream in symbols. these dreams are created in the sub-conscious to help you deal with a problem that you can't or won't deal with in the awake state. this dreams means that something is going on in life that is making your mind turn in this direction. you need to do some deep soul searching and stay open-minded about what you find. only you can do this. all i can do is to try and explain where your dreams comem from and why you might be having them. i do not live your life 24/7 like you do. your answers are in your sub-conscious and that is where you need to do cyour soul searching. i wish you many,many blessings in your life!!!

  3. Not sure what those religions are, but you could try googling them

    to find out more.

    It could be your spirit, or another spirit trying to invade; that's possible

    because when we're asleep is when we're the most vulnerable.

    If anything about either of those gives you the creeps when you find out about them, then I would take that as a sign from you spirit to

    stay away, you know?

    It's always good to find out as much as you can.  Knowledge can't hurt!

  4. It could be you are subconsciously searching for something more significant in your life.  Could also be that you saw some weird movie/idea around and you got it stuck in the back of your head.

    Don't listen to that judgmental homeboy above me, I think he might be going to h**l for not pulling that big ol' plank from his eye first.  Yeah that's right, heathens like me can read the bible too.

    I've done a lot of looking around and I sure can't find all the right answers anywhere.  I'm down with the christian values, but the actual religion doesn't grab me. I would suggest Buddhism, it's very comforting.

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