
Repainting fake nails?

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i had my nails done for the first time for a friend's wedding, and now i want to make them a different color. i've tried doing them myself, but now they look bad.

i've only had these nails for about 5 days, and i don't really want to get new ones so soon. is it possible to go back to a nail salon with the same fake nails and have them paint it a different color for me?




  1. i have fake nails i change colors like every 2 days - its 10 bucks a pop in seattle

  2. Yeah..when you get your nails professionally done, and you try to remove the polish on your own it can get tricky. If you want to try and to it on your own, make sure you get all the polish off but dont get down into the acrylic too much. Just use nail polish remover and a cotton ball. (Thats the messy part) Then use a nail file or better yet a buffer to smooth the top of the nail. Then paint them! I do this all the time. At first it seems like a bad idea, but you get the hang of it. Should only cost a few bucks to get a pro to do them though!  

  3. Yeah but you will have to pay for one works for free...

  4. yeah, it does cost, but maybe around $5 at least where i usually go.  
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