
Repeat grade 8?

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I have to repeat grade 8, is there anyone who has had to repeat grade 8. I need your opion on it , was it hard to get along with your classmates ( to begin with I had promblems with getting along with people my age because they were immature, is this going to be harder for me? )




  1. Whether something is boring or not actually has nothing to do with your motivation. If you are aware you are choosing to not do the work, not choosing to catch up, then you have chosen this repeat. You not only have chosen to redo the work, but you have chosen to end up with people who are even YOUNGER and MORE immature than those you spent the year with. Of course it's going to be harder for you. First of all, you are going to be with younger, more immature kids. Second, you are going to have to deal with everybody knowing you are repeating, which they will automatically think is because you are stupid.

    You can not spend your life being motivated only by external things, like the content of your courses. Good motivation is far more internal, it's a decision to meet certain goals for yourself. Here's my suggestion to you: decide what you really want out of your education. Work hard, get A's, at least B's, and get an education. If grade 9 isn't high school where you live, getting A's early in the year may encourage the school to rethink your placement. If it is high school, then you've really set yourself up to graduate a year later with people who are younger than you.

    Whatever you do, do NOT take the approach you took last year and end up repeating gr. 8 yet again!

    ADDED: The school year isn't yet over with. Talk to your school counsellor about what you could maybe do to NOT have to repeat next year. If you work hard the rest of the year and maybe take some summer school, you might be able to go into grade 9 come fall.

  2. im repeating grade 9 right now

    i fell really behind!! i was going through a lot of issues and i missed so much school

    i tried 2 other schools and it didn't work out. i just got disapointed in myself for flunking but still i had NO MODIVATION AT ALL.

    now im in a charter school

    you choose your schedule and you only have to go from 2-4 days a week. they give you a packet of work for the month and you work at your own pace. You can do 2 lessons a day wich will take you 4-6 hours and you'll catch up twice as fast.

    I dont have to deal with immature, judging classmates at all!  and its a very relaxed enviroment =]

  3. Would repeating Grade help you pass this time if you already said you are bored so that's why you couldn't pass the first time round? Perhaps you could consider another option. Talk to your parents/teachers about it. And find a solution together. That way both parties will be happy and who knows, you might be an ace scorer!

  4. You should really focus on yourself. Don't worry about what other people are like. They are keeping you down. Don't let them do that. Do not worry about the people who are immature. I so wish that when I was in middle and high school I wouldn't have worried about having one pair of jeans, if I was pretty or not, what other people said about me. Do you think that matters to me now? I'm 27, and I can tell you it doesn't. All I can think about is how much time I wasted worrying about what others thought of me. I skipped many classes because I was insecure. Now all I can think about is how much better off I'd be now if I would've focused more on academics instead of being unpopular. I changed when I got into University, I went to class every day, worked on being friendly and outgoing things are definitely different. You can do the same! Just make sure whatever you do that you get more support at home, and that you become dedicated.

  5. Your not going to pass because your not interested, maybe try a different type of schooling such as home-schooling, you would get to pick what you learn which could be very help-full, and be around children of different ages which might help with getting along with people because their will be different levels of mature.

  6. By posting in the home schooling section, do you mean you would like to try that as an alternative? How do your parents feel about that? Another solution would be to go to an alternative school, a year-round school to catch up, a magnet school (arts? science? vocational?), or get a tutor for the summer so you don't have to repeat. Have you been tested for giftedness? Attention deficit disorder?

    Wherever you go, there will be mature people and immature people, even among grown-ups. You don't have to be best friends with the immature ones (like the first answerer, whom I reported), just learn to put up with them and make friends with the one(s) who are mature like you. I wish you the best.

  7. You need to talk to your parents about charter school online or homeschooling. If those are not options you need to find out if you can double up in summer school. My main concern is even though there are more immaturity in high school there are tons of immaturity people that never go beyond that level and you'll have to get along with them daily.  That doesn't mean don't homeschool or go to a charter school it means when you can you may want to get a part-time retail job or something.
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