
Repeat question: Are we as a nation in deep trouble because of?

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the obsession that our culture has with anything related to Hollywood, or music, or Brittany, or Lindsey Lohan, or Paris, (not the city of course), while 90% of the people on this site have no idea that the failure of Fannie Mae, and Fannie Mac (who, by the way, are not contestants on Big Brother 69) is possibly the the final straw in the downfall of the greatest social experiment in the history of humankind, the U.S.A, does anyone care?

This question has been asked in the entertainment section, I wanted to see how the answers would differ here.




  1. Those Reality shows are a distraction for Real World Events. Just yesterday on ABC News, it was reported that kids that are more involved with computers oppossed to hands on games are less intelligent and their brains are smaller.    It is easier to remain sedate and uninvolved so that nobody can blame them for trying.  

    For Some It is more interesting to remain ignorant of painful situations for some.  Others have a fatalist viewpoint and do nothing at all.

  2. Lol, no one in government does just so long as your paying taxes

  3. yes we are in deep seems to me that the nation as a whole has been bombarded by the democrats/liberals and their cohorts the liberal media about how bad the U.S. economy is everything in the media or coming from the mouth of a democrat or their usual mouth pieces is a crisis the end is near sad to say this is what they want they have chosen to scream the sky is falling loud and enough times the American public is now brainwashed or def to their screams they are out to enslave the American people with their failed liberal policies of socialism and their efforts have succeeded they have turned the American public against our pres. and the republican party who for some reason failed to defend themselves many a time the democrats put the noose around their neck but the republicans failed to pull the lever

  4. The government loves that though.  As long as 51% of the nation is dumbed down to politics and what's going on in the REAL world, they have nothing to worry about.  Those people will vote the way Paris decides or listen to the media to decide for them.  They don't spend the time and effort to research, to stay up on current events (outside of Hollywood) and current and impending laws.  So yes, people care.  But probably not enough of us.  When people wake up and realize they have pockets full of worthless money, they will begin to open their eyes and realize the collapse we're facing.

  5. Many years ago, I had a boss who one day made a social comment that I thought summed up a lot of what I see wrong with the present state of affairs.  He said simply, "There's too much bullshit in this world."  He did not have to elaborate on his observation, because it was one of those things that some people "get" immediately, and other people would not understand even if you tried to explain it to them.  

    Yes, our society puts far too much focus on vapid celebrities and meaningless garbage.  And there is a lot of bad news hitting us right now on a daily basis.  But at the same time, I am optimistic for the long-term outlook, because I believe in the collective intelligence and will of the many people in the U.S. who "get it".

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