
Repeatedly getting wrong paycheck, please help!!

by Guest32553  |  earlier

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My employer keeps making big mistakes on my pay, and is giving me a hard time about fixing it. For 6 months they shorted me a small amount on my wages (small enough that it took me a while to notice it). When I brought it to their attention, they originally said they would deny my request to be paid my back wages, citing that their records could only allow them to pay me back one month. When I persisted, they agreed they would make a full adjustment on my next pay.

Got the next paycheck (and checked it closely this time) to find that there was NO adjustment at all, not for one month, or in full. My weekend wage was short 25 cents an hour, I was short one full day of pay, and my regular wages were short 50 cents for a 9.5 hour work period.

I recently received a $1.45 raise that I was told would go into effect Aug 1st. They also added a $3 per day fuel bonus which was said to go into effect Aug 1st. Got my pay (8/8), and no raise. The fuel surcharge was there, but only $2.50 per day. I was told I would receive every penny, but now they said that 50 cents goes to "pay the accountant".

I am prepared to go in Monday and demand my compensation immediately... can I do that? Also, how can they get away with making such a huge mess of someone's pay, and then giving me a hard time about it?? I work for a company that is quite large, they have businesses nationwide.

Can someone help me figure out what I can do to get this straightened out? I don't live in an area where I can just go about quitting my job and hoping to get another. At the same time, I worked hard for my money, and I feel I am entitled to receive my full paycheck on payday.




  1. You are legally entitled to your full wages.  It sounds like your company are either a bunch of liars and cheats or their accounting system stinks.  Either way, that's not your fault.

    If you have raised this issue through HR and the management team as high as you can, it's time to go outside the company.  Your best bet is to visit your state department of labor (the names vary by state) or whatever department enforces wage and hour law.  

  2. I've suffered through a similar experience.  Of course you want what is rightfully yours.  But, there's really not much point and trying to figure out if your company is run by crooks or incompetants.  Either way there's no future there.

    I wouldn't stir up a problem or create a fuss.  I'd quitely go about looking for another job and quit as soon as I got one.  Don't get mad and quit the job you have until you have another.  No point in inconveniencing yourself due to their mistreatment.  

  3. each state has it's own labor laws that protect your right to being paid. If you decide to press it to much you may be let go down the road. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do anything just be careful about how you do it.

    If you have contacts that are higher up in the company than your boss and the people in hr that are holding up your pay check start there. Someone will listen. If not then you may need to find out your legal rights to get your pay. I would hope they would give you what they promise. Please try to get someone to put your pay rate details in writing and when they changed and by how much.

    Be careful.

    Good luck.

  4. If planning on demanding 'compensation immediately', please be prepared to not have such a civilized response albeit your employer is, of course, in the wrong ;)  Perhaps speak with the next higher up, human resources or consider looking for another position elsewhere.

  5. The best thing you do is have a black and white copy of your real statement of monthly pay...then let them signed it...then go to attorney to make it notarized by the government...then show to them that the agreement is final...

    If ever they broke the agreement, the paper will save you...just go to the local government specializing the labor law...and make a demand letter.r..

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