
Repeating handicap?

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there is this boy at my school who has a problem. he keeps on saying things and never really finishes for example "i-i-i-i wa-wa-nt ju-jui-c-ce". i can rarely understand him. i want to know what his problem is.




  1. He Stutters.

  2. i guess he has problems wiz the association arrea

    this area in the brain where it gathers several info/memories of every side of the brain talk/express / or anuthing

    i guess he has a problem in that area

    or in the area responsible for the speaking

  3. he studers

  4. He has a speech-language problem for sure. It is called stutering. He doesn't meen to do it, he can't help it. He may also have other problems. Be nice to him. Don't treat him like he is retarded but be nice.

  5. He is a stammerer.

    Stammer- to speak with involuntary breaks and pauses, or with spasmodic repetitions of syllables or sounds.
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