
Repeating on radio! your views.

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they always repeat the same songs and never talk about stuff thats interesting.

your views.




  1. All stations do this. My favourite stations are Leicester Sound & Trent FM - they play a good selection of music

  2. I'm forced to listen to Radio1 at work, all day.

    They are the worst for it.

    For some reason they will not play anything that is over 8 months old or not in the top 20, I find this quite bizzare considering the amount of c**p in the charts nowadays I think they get paid to play "Record X" a certain number of times per day to get the kids to buy it, if this is the case then the BBC licence fee should be scraped

  3. What you perceive as repetition isn't as bad as you think. Try an experiment (on a weekday, as weekend programming often differs). Take a day and write down every song over a 6-8 hour period. That will give you a good "clocking” of the station.

    You'll find that there is repetition of the most popular songs with newer and older past hits and a few "new" songs on a "try-out," we used to call it "Hitbound." This is done because most listeners do not listen for long periods of time. But when they do tune in, they want to hear their favorites. So, the stations program to those who listen less often (because they are the majority) and it really irritates people like you who listen for long periods of time.

    We know you longer-term listeners don't like it. I personally have been listening to this same complaint for 40 years, but the only stations that pay any attention to your complaints are the album stations that are not as popular as they once were. And even those stations have a "tight" playlist (Stairway to Heaven;" "Sweet Home Alabama" etc.)

    Without getting into a long discourse about Average Quarter Hour (the ratings most advertisers use, representing how many people listen in an average 15-minute period - with duplication of the same people) and Cume (the total number of unique listeners in a week with no duplication), let's just say those are the basics of "The Ratings." See, your eyes are glazing over already aren't they.

    The stations are trying to boost their AQH without losing Cume. It's a bit of a tightrope.

    -a guy named duh

  4. We used to listen to a local radio station at work all day every day.

    They repeated the same songs all the time and it used to drive us mad, then they ran this thing where you could comment on the station and make suggestions. Everyone phoned in and told them to stop repeating the same songs, so they did a competition where if they repeated a song they would pay the winner £10,000.

    Granted they didn't play the same music but instead played loads more shite songs and we didn't win the money unfortunately.

    Solution: turn the radio off, all the customers used to think we were having a party anyway!

  5. You're listening to the wrong channel then.

  6. Duh had it correct. Most stations are just playing what the people have been requesting and what has been testing in other locations well. Pretty much the radio as well as Sat radio has gone for the hit driven radio formula.

    That's why radio pros normally like Mom and pop stations because they usually play the hits (top 40), the recurrants (stuff still popular but no longer top 40 and is the main complaint causing material as most have started to get burned out by this stage) but plays a lot more of the hits that didn't make it and stay popular making you do a oh God I remember that one.

    On the talking, it depends upon the audience and what you are interested.. Most hosts try to pick stuff interesting to the demographic (the main listeners) but I find a lot of times they repeat themselves or don't prep like they should on something interesting.

    For example, I heard one talk show host repeat himself 3 times over a 3 day period on the downfall of the cassette tape. One day was interesting, second day was a ok, just repeating it for others,...third day it was enough.. you are boring your listener.

    Radio is having issues.. that's why it pays to find mom and pop stations sometimes for... That's why people expect when Wi-max becomes more available that the internet stations will take over for those bored with radio but I find the internet broadcasters usually are just using the mom and pop station formula for music that keeps people engaged.

  7. Radio stations have a playlist of songs they're licensed to play. This means a lot of stations will play the same songs day in day out until new songs that come out gradually take over. They play the tracks in a different order in an attempt to stop you noticing but when you have the same station on every day at work you notice. Then the songs that you used to like start to remind you of work and you hate them. The best thing is to change stations to get a bit of variety. I bought a DAB radio for work so I got loads more stations and don't hear the same stuff too often.

  8. It just the radio business, When I was on the air I would play the same songs the afternoon person played it just how it is..

  9. DJ's are on an average of 4 hours per their show.

    Each one ends up playing the same songs as the dj/s before.

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