
Rephrase-HARD, (:? About ireland?

by  |  earlier

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These are my own words, but i want another way of putting it.



One of the reasons why fears and prejudices between the communities were so strong was because of ignorance and poverty. These prejudices have been greatly reduced by the majority of Catholics and Protestants working together over the last 30 years and by the economic prosperity over this period. There was no one reason for violence, but several of them all mixed together. History was not the problem but it was the way people used history that made it a problem. There a good reasons to be optimistic about peace because it shows that people can compromise.

thank you





  1. Fear a prejudices were like wildfire through Ireland because of ignorance and poverty.  This has been softened by a majority of Catholics and Protestants working together over the past 30 years and the prospering economy through this time.  Nobody has reasons for violence, but too many reasons crossed.  The way people used history made it a problem for fighting.  there are many reasons to be optimistic for compromise and peace.  

  2. The problem with the country is the deep-rooted sense of history - a seeming inability to move forward. The annual marching season(Orange Order, Apprentice Boys) do nothing but keep old wounds open and suppurating - to move forward you need healing.

    Interesting to note US attitudes to Noraid after 9/11, when the reality of financing terrorism as a political solution was brought home in the most terrible way possible.

  3. Ireland was once a 100% catholic country.

  4. They will never find peace..

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