
Rephrased... Are there any atheists who do not accept the evolution?

by  |  earlier

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if so, how do they explain the biodiversity?...

disclaimer: rephrased due to several attempts to answer as if asked in the linguistics and not religion and spirituality section.




  1. Apparently such people exist.  I haven't met any, but I also would like to know how they'd answer this question.

    My guess, and this is only a guess, would be that they have never given the matter any thought because science isn't their thing.

  2. there is the obvious third possibility.

    we were created from modified primates.

    not entirely evolution and not pure creation either


    genetic engineering by somebody ,NOT GODS

  3. I am an atheist and I think that evolution is at the moment the most convincing model for the origin and development of life. But if someone presents a model which is still more convincing, backed up with more convincing evidence and reasoning, I will be absolutely prepared to accept this as well.

  4. What else could they possibly believe about the beginning of life, the earth and the universe?

  5. There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of species Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

  6. im an atheist and i do accept evolution.

    your question is a good one!

    cant wait to see some of the answers....

  7. I don't know of any nor have I ever met any.

    The Russian Orthodox Stalin had a Russian Orthodox named Lysenko in charge of Soviet science, and Lysenko rejected evolution, causing mass famines.

    Stalin and Lysenko were not atheists.

  8. i don't think that there are better alternatives so i would have to say no.

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