
Repiercing my tounge.

by  |  earlier

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i had three piercings in my tongue horizontal. i took them off for a while and they closed up but i have three scares under my tongue,and on top i can find the three holes. i just need to push it thru. i shouldnt have a problem hitting anything.what yall think.




  1. I think you should always seek professional aid when it comes to the face.  If any complications occur, then it won't be your fault and they will also know what are the best steps to take next.  If anything goes wrong, like, say you can't stop the bleeding, then you will be under immediate care rather than being with your friend or alone.  

    That's my recommendation.

  2. Gross. I hate tongue piercings.  

  3. go for it

  4. well that's kinda bad for your nerves and it sounds like your stretching out to much but if you want it wont hurt but, I'm just saying its better to not pierce it;]

  5. It's not the smartest thing, but I had no problem opening mine up with a sterilized straight pin. Had to do a little wiggling around to get it stretched a little so I could fit the jewelry in.  

    Ideally, have a piercer friend help you out.  
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