
Replace an AC adapter cord?

by  |  earlier

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I am so bummed. I just bought something that uses a AC adapter. And that darn little puppy of mine chewed up the cord. I bought it about 6 hrs ago. Where can I take this adapter and have someone put on a new cord? I tried another adapter from another product, but it won't work. Thank you.




  1. Love puppies! If he didn't eat the end, you can cut out the bad piece of wire and splice the cord. You need to make sure that you connect the wires correctly (usually one has a colored line on it) After splicing and taping with electrical tape-try it.I f it doesn't work, try reversing the connection and try it again. If he ate the end and you have another end that fits into your device you can splice it onto the original a/c adapter the same way as out lined above. If he ate the adapter you will need one that has the same rating as the original. Try Radio Shack, they have ones that will fit almost anything.

  2. You talking about one of those wall power transformers?

    dont use another type, they are different output voltages and will mess up your new product beyond repair...

    Take it (try the power cable only first) back to the store you got it at or contact the company and see if they will send another, they should since the product is so new.

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