
Replace blade on a 2 piece composite hockey stick?

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I have a 2 piece $40 easton stick (which they dont make anymore) I bought from ***** Sporting Goods. The blade is wooden or some other type of material. However it broke but the composite shaft is fine. I do not have a heat gun. Will an electric oven work to remove the blade and not ruin the shaft? Also do I need to buy extra glue for the new blade? If so what kind?




  1. Any heat source which will "un-solidify" (is that even a word!!!) the glue so you can pull the broken blade off will work.  As for the type of glue, most replacement blades are pre-glued, but a hot glue gun works as well and is easy to remove when it happens again.  GL!

  2. I always use a hair dryer.  Put it against each of the 4 sides of the shaft for about 2 minutes, moving it up and down the 2 inches where the blade is still in.  It should slide off very easily, and the new blades always come with glue already on it, just heat it up again with the hairdryer.  You can also go to a local pro shop and they will probably do it for free for you.  And if you don't want to spend 10 minutes on it, you can use a blow torch for about 5-10 seconds.

  3. use a oven? then shape it Idk how to do it but  my coach does?

  4. An electric oven could work, preheat it to about 200 degrees, stick your stick in there for a minute or so and that should work. A hair dryer would work as well, or you could just buy a heat gun. A two temp one costs about 15-20 bucks, and you'd have it for installing the new one and future uses too.

    And the Easton Stealth S5 is a very similar shaft if you ever want another. Octane, right? Green shaft, comes with wood blade?

    Oh, and you will not need to buy extra glue unless you need to change the blade. The Glue that comes on the blade will spread out and get lost, so If you need to take it out and put it in multiple times more would be wise. It's just normal hot glue, so you can melt it on with a heat gun or have a hot glue gun.

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