
Replacement tubing for Medela Pump In Style?

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In preparation for my 2nd baby, I assume I should replace the tubing in my breast pump? Does anyone know where I can purchase the tubing (the Medela website does not sell it).




  1. I borrowed a friend's pump-in-style when I was nursing, although I bought my own tubes and cups.  I just told my lactation consultant that I needed them, and she dropped them off on my doorstep, and charged it to our hospital bill.  I think it was a little over $9, insurance took care of the rest.  (the kit came with various replacement parts that I needed)

    Hospitals sell parts for the medela pumps (at least ours does) in the gift shop on the maternity floor.  

  2. I just purchased some on-line from Amazon.  Or, you can go to Medelas website (or call them) and you should be able to locate someone locally that sales their products or can order it for you.  I'm not sure how old your pump is but they updated the tubing for it (I think in 2006).  So, if you have the older model pump, you would need to puchase the tubing for the Symphony pump in order for it to work (the older style has dark yellow on each end).  E-mail me if you have any questions.

    ETA:  I do agree w/ Ann to an extent.  I probably wouldn't replace them at this point either.  However, it is nice to have a spare in case you are at work and one of yours breaks.  I've had to replace mine twice in 4 months b/c the tip broke off into the shield.  But, then again, I use my pump a LOT!

  3.   It is not necessary to replace the tubing, give it a good wash with warm soapy water, rinse well and let it air dry.

    If you really want to replace it and you are in Melbourne, Monash Medical Centre's "Newborn Services" (their special care nursery) sell them at a very cheap price.  If not, you may want to check with some of the hospitals within your area.  Good Luck

  4. I just had my second child in May (first child born Oct. 2008). We also assumed we needed to replace the tubing, but every lactation consultant I spoke with at the hospital told me there was no reason to replace the tubing.  Save your money.

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