
Replacing Pool Ball Valve Question???

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Hi. The handle on one of our pool's ball valve snapped & I am going to attempt the impossible - changing it myself. It is the one connected to the skimmer. Can someone look at these directions to see if I am on the right track? Thanks so much!

- Drain water to right below skimmer opening

- Loosen white ring around ball valve

- Unscrew ball valve from skimmer & hose leading to pump

- s***w new ball valve into skimmer & hose leading to pump

- Tighten white ring around new ball valve

Sound good? The installers also put some type of white stretchy tape around the areas that connect to the valve. Does anyone have any idea what this material may be?

Thank you in advance to all who answer!




  1. The white stuff is teflon tape. You can get it at any harware store or home center.

  2. The teflon tape should be wrapped 2-3 turns around the pipe in the direction of the threads so it seals correctly. (So the tape doesn't get unwound as you s***w in the fitting)

    Is the ball valve screwed into the bottom of the skimmer (from outside the pool) where the hose connects?  Most are.   If so, why go through the time and effort of draining the pool?  I know it's to stop the water from coming out, but a plug on the inside of the skimmer, under the basket, will stop the water just as well. Either a threaded plug with an oring (Hayward skimmers), or an expansion plug would do it (the black rubber plugs used for winterizing.)

    Other than that, the directions sound right... on a side note: those rings around the center of the ball valve can be extremely difficult to open after a while.  A  "C" - type oil filter wwrench works best on these (one that's open on one side so you can get it around the fitting.)

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