
Replacing Video Cards?

by  |  earlier

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I don't need to know how. I need to know if it's a good option. I found a computer I like, the only thing I don't like the look of is the video card.

Is it a good choice to by the computer and buy a new video card from the start to replace the original one?

And please, this isn't about what kind of video cards they are, so please don't ask.




  1. Make sure u are allowed to open the case.

    U may loose the guarantee.

    U may also ask for a upgrade in the shop....maybe they'll do it.

  2. they can be replaced as long as the correct slot is available. Most computers have an available PCI-e x16 slot which would allow you to install any graphics card you desire. Open the side panel of your case and check that this slot is available or will be available if you remove the old card.

  3. It is not a bad option. Unfortunately big name companies like Dell sometimes charge an arm and a leg to upgrade from the integrated video. They charge high end prices for mid-range cards, and inflate the high end prices even more.

    This has gotten slightly better since the release of Windows Vista (it basically demands a discrete graphics card.) Especially Dell as of late has been refresihng their product line better and keeping up with the latest graphics technologies. I am not too sure about other companies.

    Anyway, replacing the card is most likely cheaper than any other option. Personally I would recommend building a custom PC from scratch (it isn't that tough) but if you dont feel comfortable doing that then just go ahead and buy a new one. It isn't "ideal" but definitely not the worst option either. A graphics card is a great upgrade for any PC as far as I am concerned.

  4. Depends on what you're using the computer for.

    If you're heavy into gaming - then a better video card might be appropriate.

    If you can't buy the computer with a better video card from the manufacturer - then if everything else looks good - go ahead and buy it and try it out.  It may be fine for what you do.  If it's not, then you can always upgrade your video card.  Make sure the computer has available card slots and supports an upgrade (a lot of the slim line PC's won't).

  5. I do that all the time. Most desktops (bundled ones sold by big name companies, I'm not talking about custom builds) have either a low end video card or no video cards at all.

    For those that do come with video card, they charge a lot more for the video cards that what you could buy elsewhere. E.g from eBay.

    I prefer to have my own video card (with my prefferred Nvidia brand) that's all.
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