
Replacing Xbox360 console, do I lose downloaded content?

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It looks like I may need to replace my Xbox 360 console. Finally got the RRoD, and am out of my warranty period. I'm thinking of replacing it with an Arcade version, and just swapping out my hard drive. But is there anything to be done with downloaded content or gamertag? I have a mix of Live Arcade games, game-specific downloads (i.e. Guitar Hero tracks) and movies, some of which I realize probably have DRM on them.




  1. you should be fine as long as the hard drive was not damaged

  2. You literally cannot be out of warranty for the three red lights. If you wanted to you could put your HDD on a new console. Everything would work as long as you were hooked up to XBOX Live. If you wanted to, you could re-download your DLC for free. Your gamertag is stored on the HDD, why would that get lost? BTW, if you were out of warranty, which your not, it costs 99$ to get the unit fixed and 280$ for a new console. I would pay the 99$.

  3. You can recover your xbox live gamer tag.  (So no worry there).

    Your games well come over with the hard drive.  

    The problem is, the games you paid for, (on Xbox live)  won't work unless you are on XBOX live.  

    When you buy an arcade game, it gets tied to your xbox and to your gamer tag,  because you well be on a different xbox, the only way to verify that you really own that game is to connect to xbox live.  This usually isn't to big of problem, but the only main one you would hit.  

  4. when yo usend in your xbox for repair you are not sending the HDD

    so you lose none of your content!

    and also the warranty for your xbox360 extends to 3 YEARS if it has the RRoD error code

    so unless you bought it before it came out in fall 05 the you are still in warranty

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