
Replacing my hard drive?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I caught a virus awhile back. I've done everything I can to get rid of it. I ran all the virus programs like Spyware Doctor, SuperAntiSyware, SmitfraudFix, etc. but to no avail.

If I just replace the harddrive with a new one, will that get rid of it? Is it an easy thing to do?

Any tips will be appreciated. Thanks :D




  1. wouldnt it be cheaper just to reformat the hard drive you have and reinstall windows?  reformatting will get rid of the virus.  if you have your windows disk stuff, try doing that first.  

    replacing a hard drive is super simple.  you just take the old one out and put in the new one.  sometimes you will have to use the disk that comes with the hard drive to make it FAT32 or NTFS.  after that boot the computer, go to the bios settings and make sure the CD boot option is turned on.  Save and exit.  insert your windows disk and reboot.

  2. Just Redo Windows

  3. Do what i did and just borrow windows from someone and install it on your computer.

    No need for a new hard drive

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