
Replacing your TV with a Projector?

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I want to replace my TV with a Projector. What sort of device would I purchase to change channels. My old VCR had a tuner in it but I don't want to hook up an old VCR. Are there stereo components that are tuners only? What can you suggest? Thanks




  1. Friends of mine who get projectors keep their TV around for casual TV watching. They fire up the projector for DVD's and the occasional Football game.

    The bulbs burn out kind of quickly on a projector so you dont want to replace the $200 bulb every few months watching casual stuff.

    Yes - you should get an HD cable box or HD Sat box to drive the projector.

  2. You'll need a seperate Tuner for channel changing, this can be in the form of a Cable, Over the Air Tuner, or Satellite box.  

    I've had a projector on the same bulb for 2+ years, and it's great to have!  But if you alot of light in the room be prepared, the blacks on the screen are only as dark as the room lighting.  I plan on getting a flat panel so I can have it for daytime use, and then fire up the projector for nighttime viewing!

  3. I'm assuming if you are upgrading to a projector you have hi-def movies/shows in mind.  Why not just get a HD box (cable or sat) to use in conjunction with your a/v receiver and DVD/LD/HD/Blu-Ray player?

  4. Ok, unless you're getting an ultra bright projector that you can use in bright settings, you might want to hang on to your tv for normal everyday watching. Bulbs are more like $600 for a projector, but they usually get a couple hundred hours easily. I've had my projector for a couple years, and use it a lot and i'm still on my first lamp. If you want an ultra bright projector get a sony vpl fx51. There is one on ebay with an extra lamp.

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