
Replica DVD's?

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RedDragon mentioned in the Film2Go question that there are a lot of places around Bahrain that do high quality replica DVDs. I am having a little trouble locating any however. Can anyone point me in the right direction ?

(Near Seef/Budaiya would be good, but it doesn't have to be)




  1. You can find few of those DVD sellers in Bab Al-Bahrain or in the narrow roads of Gudaibiya near Awal Cinema.

    There's also a DVD shop in Muharraq called "Marawi". They sell replica DVD's but you have to ask for it when no one is in the shop as it is illegal. They sell each DVD for BD 1.

    I get mine from a friend (he does not have a shop and is not selling on streets), he just sells to those whom he knows.

    * Try DVD shops anywhere in Bahrain, but make sure you ask them when no one is around and to tempt them in trusting you, tell them that you want several DVD's (give them a number) as they will not risk it for a DVD or two. Usually I buy 10 at a time. Try DVD shops in Budaya if you like, but try to look for the old ones who do not have many customers :)

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