
Reply to my son being bullied?

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my son his being bullied by kids his own age infact they are in the same class my son does nothing wrong to these bullies has we have been informed by is teachers they do it so my son will get into troble has when he loses concentration in class my son get disruttive due to his adhd and they know that




  1. sort it out Monday morning

  2. you need to readdress the again with the teachers. explain your point of view, ask what they're going to do about it, whether these bullies have had a talking too.

    remember you are not at school with your child, you do not no fully how bad or not bad it is so it'd be better for you and your son if you approached this situation sensibly and calmly.

    good luck

  3. it could help to ask the teacher to pay more attention to the students interactions'.

    "ratting" out certain students will only get your son in more hot water w/ the bullies. But, if you tell the teacher to keep an eye open maybe he/she will catch it themselves

  4. You can ask your school to write a Behavior Support Plan or BSP and a Safety Plan to keep him safe from bullies.  You need to put this request in writing something like this:  "I am requesting a Behavior Support Plan for my son with his off-task and non-attending behaviors as well as a Safety Plan to keep him safe from the constant bullying that is occuring.  Please consider this my formal request under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.  Please schedule a meeting to include his teacher, the principal and other appropriate personnel as soon as possible.  Please consider this my formal notice that I will be tape recording the meeting."

    Tape recording will help you remember everything that was said.  Don't sign anything at the meeting.  Take everything home including a copy of whatever notes the school takes.  Listen to the recording and make sure their plan is appropriate for your child.  If you have any problems, feel free to contact me directly.

  5. He needs to fight back, the only way, trying to talk to teachers and ask for help will make your son's life more difficult at school.

  6. Write down everythign that has happened. Names and dates if possible. Make an appt. with the principal. Give this to him and ask what is he going to do do be in compliance with the districts anti bully law.

    Say if nothing is done immediately you will go to the district superintendent and the school board.

  7. I wish there was away to just snap your fingers and make this problem go away but there isn't. The fact is you will have to discuss with your son that if the bullies hurt him he needs to tell a teacher and if the bullies are not punished then you should explain everything to the teacher or principal. Also it wouldn't hurt to talk to the parents of the bullies.

  8. Most schools have a policy on bullying. Look through your child's student handbook. If the issue is not resolved call an IEP meeting and address the issue of not being able to concentrate there.  If necessary insist on a one-on-one classroom aide to help him be able to concentrate. If the aide is beside him, then the bullies will leave him alone.

  9. It sounds like your son, who has a disability, is in a general education class.  This is WRONG.  You must force the district you're in to respond to his disability appropriately and place him in a class of children with similar disabilities and teachers who can work with him until he is ready to mainstream back in.

    Typically developing children do NOT understand and I have sadly witnessed that you can be personal friends with the family and still have their parents feel no obligation to try to help their child understand your child any better.  When you are the parent of a child with a disability, your life will be about being  a warrior for their cause, and that means having them put in environments where they are less likely to be hurt on a daily basis and cutting friendships with people like the sort I mentioned at the start of this paragraph.

  10. I am sorry.  Kids can be so mean.  It just infuriates me not only that they bully but that they get away with it.  My daughter was in the same boat.  She had some learning issues also and had a hard time concentrating.  She would act out because she was so frustrated.  The kids would laugh at her and be mean to her.  Supposedly there was a no bullying rule at her school but when she complained and I complained nothing changed so I took her out of the school and now I homeschool her.  She is much happier.  I am not going to subject her to that kind of treatment.

  11. you oughta teach him how to fight/argue back...then no one will mess with him...thats the only sure way...but he should know already..

  12. I was bullied in the 5th grade, and it took me actually fighting back (I'm normally a quiet person) before anyone at the school did anything about it.

    Hopefully, it doesn't come down to it, and a meeting with the teachers and the principal is in order.

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