
Report on Yahoo news that the UN recommends the UK do away with the Royal Family. What do you think?

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I think the UN should butt out, they cannot resolve problems in difficult places of the world and they prevaricate and waste time over disasters like Dafur so they just want to pick on an easy target.

For me, I support the Royal Family. Like most families they have their problems but I would rather have a Royal Family with the Queen as titular head of the Government rather than a President who will just spend our hard earned money on whatever expenses deemed fit. The Queen may receive an income from the State but at least she puts plenty back into the UK, employing staff etc., and is great attraction for our tourist industry.

Perhaps the world should have a referendum to see whether they think the UN does a good job or not!




  1. This is unbelievable...cannot imagine one country trying to dictate (am so tempted to spell that wrong...!) how another separate country, rich in its own heritage, culture & tradition, should be ruled.

    Here in India, theres a name for it.

  2. The United Nations should recommend that

    (1) The U.N. be dissolved. This useless organization does more harm than good. Many times U.N "peace keepers" have plundered and raped in war-torn countries instead of providiong help.

    (2) The U.N. accepts terroristic nations and rogue dictators as members. This is contrary to what the U.N.'s mission was in 1948. In other words the U.N. supports terrorism.

    (3) The U.N. is anti-America and anti-Semitic. Yet America pays the bulk of it's bills. This worthless organization should be relocated to Haiti, Iran, North Korea, the Congo or some other dump or h**l hole.

    (4) Annan Kofi, and his thugs got away with a lot of money with this whole "Oil for Food" scandal that occurred in Iraq.

    So the U.N. should be the last organization to make any kind of recommendation except how it should clean itself up.

  3. I'm sure the UN have more important things to deal with and should keep their noses out.

    I love the Royal Family.

  4. I haven't read the article but thats bizarre and is of no relevance to anything really...was it just a passing comment as I can't imagine getting rid of any royal family anywhere is high on their priorities?

  5. You are so right.  The UN should get on with what they are there to do.  

    They should be concerning themselves with the rights of the peoples who need their protection and discussing ways forward for the third world countries.

    The UN is fast becoming no more than a laughing stock.  Ignored and discounted in world affairs.

    I too would rather have our historic sovereignty than a presidency or  a dictatorship.  

    And yes, I would like to see such a referendum called for many things including the effectiveness of the glorified UN.


    Wouldn't you think that this chappie from Sri Lanka would use his precious time speaking up for African nations who really need his support.  How about him saying, VERY LOUDLY that the people of Zimbabwe need to do away with Mugabe!!!!!

  6. If the alternative to a Royal family is a presidential pantomime every few years, such as we see in certain other countries - we all know which - then let's keep things just as they are !

  7. I totaly agree with you Stef.I love having a Royal Family, and in my time have met some of them.I too do not want a President.Time the UN worrried about more important things and left us alone!

  8. i think they are asking for a punch in the face. the royal family is ours. the UN can bog off and mind their own business.  i like the royal family.

  9. I thought the queen was simply a head figure with no power in government affairs?  But what is the issue with the UN on the royal family anyway?  I am not clear on this story if any.  

    Otherwise, I agree the queen-the royal family is, indeed, a great attraction for the tourist industry, and I wouldn't remove her position over foreign politics.  I agee, as well that the UN should stick with foreign issues which is why this organization continues in existence.  And, in the past couple of years, I have been a little disturbed with the UN and the way they handle issues.  This organization is at the center of world issues and they don't seem to have resolution over terrorism.  Whats up with that?!

  10. On principle I am not a royalist, but it's not up to the UN to tell the citizens of Britain what to do. they can just butt out.

  11. The UN couldn't organise a p*ss up in a brewery and I would rather see the demise of that outfit than of our Royal Family...thus to the UN I say "Up Yours Matey...go take a running jump and leave our Monarchy alone!"

  12. The UN are a total failure.

  13. The modern repository of anti-Semitism today is at the United Nations.  

    1.) Money from the UN's oil-for-food program helped pay the families of Palestinian homicide bombers.  It is documented evidence that the United Nations has been funding anti-Semitism. The United Nations has allowed the slaughter of millions of people around the world.

    2.) Meanwhile, the United States is being accused by the American left of doing everything we're doing in the Middle East for oil, when in fact you don't find any American names or company names on the list of the bribed in the oil-for-food program with Saddam, and you don't find any American names or any diplomats trying to stop sanctions against Iran being slapped on by the United Nations. It's all these other countries that are doing deals over there for oil.

    3.) UN overestimated AIDS epidemic.  Now, why would they do that?  Why would the UN overestimate the AIDS epidemic?  Can anybody say money?  Same reason Ted Danson overestimated the death of the oceans.  Can anybody ask the same question about global warming?  Why would the UN be overestimating the destruction from global warming?  "The United Nations' top AIDS scientists plan to acknowledge this week that they have long overestimated both the size and the course of the epidemic, which they now believe has been slowing for nearly a decade, according to U.N. documents prepared for the announcement. AIDS remains a devastating public health crisis in the most heavily affected areas of sub-Saharan Africa. But the far-reaching revisions amount to at least a partial acknowledgment of criticisms long leveled by outside researchers who disputed the U.N. portrayal of an ever-expanding global epidemic."


    Wasn't the purpose in the founding of the United Nations peace? World peace? Wasn't it supposed to be a body that was to promote the best of mankind? It was supposed to. Isn't that what it was all about?

    ................. The UN has become a home for renegade thugs, third-world pimps, tyrants and dictators and the last thing it's interested in is world peace. It is a corrupt body and nobody has a problem with it! Nobody but us. Around the world, the United Nations is looked at as the repository for all that's whatever in the world. Certainly isn't good. So here we have a president who talks about something as simple as fundamental to human existence as freedom and desiring it for as many people in the world as possible, and we get snickers, and we get hrumphs and we get, "Oh, yeah, right! Really! Ha, ha, ha!" a bunch of deriding laughter, and yet those same people look to the UN and see something godlike -- and therein, ladies and gentlemen, lies one of the problems with the critics.

    Hugo Chavez just concluded about 20 minutes ago his raving lunatic address at the United Nations, and they were charmed. They gave him a rousing round of applause when he finished, and they laughed throughout.

  14. I think this is Treasonous, How dare some stuck up Bureaucrat tell us what to do. years ago no-one would dare question the Royals & I'm Discusted the Goverment arent standing up for us & shutting the UN down straight away. i knew joining the UN & EU would be a mistake. Keep England a Monacy.

  15. Again it is not the UN' business but other countries interfering in British affairs. It said the monarchy costs each British taxpayer 62p but how much will a Republic cost?

    Would you want a civilized human being representing Britain, internationally like the Queen or would you want a President, a politician like David Cameron, Gordon Brown, George Bush and Nicolas Sarkozy. All they do is sell you a load of rubbish.

    If you look back in history Britain has always controlled its monarchy I mean Parliament executed Charles I and has removed more monarchs then any other country - that is why the British monarchy has survived and others have not.

    If we became a Republic would we drive on the right side of the road, who's face would be on our money/bank notes. Too much hassle and no real point of removing the monarchy.

  16. who cares about that.

  17. I actually felt sick when I read that!  This country is being picked apart bit by bit, our government just sell us out constantly!  I would rather we just had the queen and not that bloody United Nations or European Union, I mean, imagine putting all our faith with the government?!  Thats ubsurd with their track record!  We are an island, we should act like one.

  18. The royal family are about the only thing left in the UK that add any character to the country. Otherwise it would just be another boring place like Belgium or somewhere.

    (OK I know the Belgiums have a royal family, but nobody would ever know that).

  19. This sounds like a lot of sour grapes:

    The Sri-Lankans say we should look at abolishing the monarchy - is Sri Lankans such a good example of a democracy?

    Apparently we're mis-treating Sudanese Immigrants - that's easy don't let them in.

    Syria accuses us of discriminating against Muslims? - I thought we put more effort into Muslim integration that any other group including Christians.

    Iran accuses us of not tacking sexual discrimination - Iran the country with one of the worst records on discrimination.!

    The UN does all sorts of good things but now it seems that its Bash Britain time - and those who are complaining appear to have the worst record on what they are complaining about.

    Something about a Pot calling the Kettle.

    Come on the Monarchy is one of the few things this country has that's an example to the world and brings it kudos and revenue.. ah that's it they want us the scrap the one thing we have going for us then we can be downgraded from the UN council as an irrelevant island.

  20. Like I have said before tell the UN's Human Rights Council To F*** Off, we don't want a referendum.

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