I recently became aware of a service that lets you have voicemail for free while you are unavailable to take call's however, When calling this service to use it I dialed the number wrong and a under 18 Sexualy expicit show came on were girl's underage would talk to a man who seems to be in his 50's and tell him about their "experiances." the way this voicemail works, is you can leave a voice message for callers as long as you want.
I'm very concerned about this and since then have stoped using the service. I tried to call/contact the service about this vile person using the service but they only have an automated answering service telling you how to use the account and their website has no way of contacting them, I tried contacting other services to report abuse and you have to have information I just can't get a hold of.
My question is, How do I stop this man from using this service to exploit children?
Is there anything I can do.
I still have the number of this man's "voicemail"