
Reporting scammers to police?

by  |  earlier

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Ive just been tried to be SCAMMED, lucky for me I know what I was looking for. This scammer tried to rent me a property, and ask for the deposit etc upfront before we even saw the place.

Can I take all the info I have from him to the police?




  1. I would. Coz if you dont someone else may be scammed,  

  2. If it was done online,you can send it to the FBI to the address given on their website at  Locally,take it to your local police and ask for a detective to review it

  3. Report it to the Police, they take Internet crime very seriously now.  

  4. you should ,..

  5. who knows

  6. Sounds like a scam to me,why would anyone need to pay a deposit before even viewing a property?.

    How was he going to refund it if you didn't want to rent.

    Give the police a call and see what they say, you could also inform Trading Standards and also report it to wherever you saw the house advertised.

  7. That's not proof you've been scammed. This person had to intentionally try to decieve you in order for it to be fraud, nothing you said leads to that conclusion. Also, you never were scammed so no crime was committed even if that was this persons intention.

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