
Reporting sexual harassment

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I left my previous job because I was being sexually harassed. I really just called them and said I wasn't coming back and I didn't say why. My brother also works at the place I was working for and I know he had mentioned it to the head supervisor. It had also happened when I had first started there but that guy stopped. Anyways I quit at the beginning of April, is it to late to speak up about it now? I just can't get it out of my mind I was so hurt, and felt like such a piece of meat and that's why I didn't say anything. Would I be able to press charges, or get anywhere now? Im wondering if I can't because It's been a few months and the fact that I didn't bring it to my managers attention in the first place. I just know it's happening to other girls and woman there and feel bad for them because no one is doing anything about it.




  1. No, it's never too late to report a crime, are you crazy?! The crime still exisits. Adults report their parents who sexually abused them as children! It is not too late in the least! You definitley need to report the person who is doing it. Call your police dept.'s non-emergency number and tell them you want to report sexual harrasment. They will probably have you come in and make a report, and they will keep in contact with you throughout the legal process until it ends up in court.

  2. what is your gain by suing??

    is it worth getting your brother in trouble, and possibly fired?

    at best send a detailed letter to  Human Resources Dept, and to the President of the company...letting them know why you left like a coward, and didn't have the decency to give them 2 weeks notice.

    That way you have done at least something right.

  3. It's not a crime. It's a civil tort, and you have to follow the right reporting process while you work there. Oh, you can sue for anything, even now, but one thing about having employment law about this is that there are things you are expected to do that oblige your employer to act. Don't complain that no one is doing anything about if the employees aren't notifying the employer.

    But you should get in touch with your local women's center. When you can't get something out of your mind, you need some help working out how to come to terms with it.  

  4. you have no didn't report it... you don't work there anymore is NOT the time to speak up it's too late

  5. If you want to let their HR department know that's why you left, that's good for them to know.  If they have any interest in making their place a good one to work (and also to avoid lawsuits and messy stuff like that), then they will keep an eye open and will be proactive about rooting that c**p out of their workplace.  And, yes, it probably would help any women still working there.

    As far as any charges or any kind of a work-action lawsuit, no, you would not be able to get anything out of this for yourself.  Not only is it a hearsay, he said/she said thing with no documentation, and no evidence of you bringing it up, in order for the company to be liable for being an active or passive enabler of this, they have to be aware of what's going on and not take corrective measures.

    Since you never mentioned it to them, the courts would rightfully decide that they can't be held responsible for stopping something no one ever told them about.

  6. what exactly is he doing?????

    mind putting that in your details,

    sexual harassment, is a very broad term

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