
Reporting to Ft. Hood Tomorrow - How Do I Volunteer For Iraq/Afghanistan?

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Leaving tomorrow and will join the 1st Cavalry Division as an 11B Infantryman. This is my first duty station and while I know I'm going to get my opportunity sometime I'd prefer to go over to the war(s) sooner rather than later. How can I accomplish this? I know, I know, I'm just a dumb private who hasn't seen anything and is too gung ho and whatnot. Probably true, but I need to live my life how I want to live it. If I make mistakes at least they will be of my own doing.

So what can I do to find out which units are deploying first and after that how - if possible - could I go about volunteering for them?

Thanks so much for your time.




  1. When you report to your duty station, one of the 1st things that (should) happen, is that you'll be assigned your supervisor. He/She will be able to tell you or at the very least will know where to get that information from. Other than that, remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Good luck.

  2. You already did.

  3. Dunno how to get there faster, but good luck, the 1st Cav. is one of the most respected divisions.

  4. lucky for you ft hood deploys alot..we used to live in ft riley and i remember our friends getting deployed back to back...

    when you report you go and see your platoon sargeant, and ask him about what units are deployig where..there are always in need of troops..and it can be arranged that you get attached to another unit, or company..or go to another post..happens all the time..

  5. Chill out, you are going to spend the same amount of time in deployments regardless of which unit you end up in due to rotation schedules. Every combat unit is either going to or coming back from some deployment somewhere.

    If you end up in a unit that is on training schedule, then you will just be better prepared when you deploy. Anyway, the way assignments work, you really have little say on where you get assigned. Just accept whatever unit you get put into and spend your time prepping up for your eventual deployment and spend some time enjoying yourself.

  6. Relax!!! Your going to end up going sooner or later. Just chill out and report in. They will put you in a unit where they need you. Calm down...there no reason to rush things.  

  7. As soon as you get to your unit, you will see what unit they are putting you in and can quickly figure out its rotation cycle.  

    You will want to get to a unit that got back a few months ago.  That way, you can work your way into the unit, do their Pre Deployment Training with them, and deploy with them in about 6 to 9 months.

    If your unit is already over there, OR is CLOSE to getting ready to go, you most likely will need to talk to your senior enlisted and see if they can help you with the matter.  

    Be profession, tactful and go to them looking for advice.  

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