
(Repost With Pictures) why am i having such a hard time finding a boyfriend?

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I am reposting this with pictures*

It's bothering me. Everybody tells me all the time how beautiful i am, and how kind i am (sorry to sound like I'm bragging.) i guess i have a good personality. Somehow i can't get a boyfriend, i try really hard to talk to guys but there's hardly anybody in my neighborhood because all the houses are for sale or old people live in them.

I'm feeling really alone and depressed and i think by now i should have a boyfriend. My family isn't giving me as much support as i need at the time and i think maybe getting into a relationship would take my mind off all the family stress.

I live by a pool, and all the time i will go down there and see if there's anybody to talk to because i am so bored but hardly anybody is there.

I'm not going to school this year because my last three teachers kept me behind in math, so I'm taking a year off to catch up. So i guess that kills finding one at school.

Also, i don't know how this would help, but do you need a picture of me? I don't know it might be my looks, maybe everybody is lying to me.

Please don't leave any mean comments, there are so many, I'm going to a hard time right now don't make it worse.

Heres a few pictures:

Iknow i look weird ._.;


I didn't fail math ^^; I came from being home schooled, so i was put in math B, and since math

B was always behind i was never caught up.




  1. You look emo and like you carry a lot of emotional baggage, so most guys would avoid you except for the skaterpunk losers who are going nowhere in life, other emos, or potheads.  I'd suggest a new change of style cause you've got potential to be hot.

  2. U beautiful!

  3. Maybe having been homeschooled did not give you the opportunity to interact socially and academically with other kids, so of course maybe they can easily identify you as being different. One has to learn that our value as a person while we are teenagers is solely related to the way we look on the outside, but as we mature and grow, we begin to realize that while it is important, your value as a person resides in how you are on the inside.

    If you have ever heard of cause and effect, you will realize that the more you look for something, the more elusive it becomes. The moment you stop looking for it, it will come to you.

    I respect your preferences in dress and appearance, but I would suggest toning down the darkie image.

  4. Well coming from a girl I don';t think your ugly. You have really intense eyes that might freak ppl out. Just SMILE

  5. ur absolutely gorgeous but i think ur sense of style and dressing (although it may be popular among a lotta ppl at the moment), might throw off a lotta ppl

    u seem like u come from a small town (hence the home schooling) and im guessing ppl in ur area are traditional in the sense of what a girl should look like ....... so i would suggest just tone down the heavy makeup, and possibly wear some colored clothing? and a tee and jeans??

    im sure a lotta ppl like u, buh the way u portray urself might intimidate them from approaching u

    and yes, u are very very gorgeous!!

  6. look so pretty in all your pics..well...the only reason you do not have a boyfriend because you are being home it limits your chances to meet any guys...but..hey ..mmm how old are you

    by the way ...before I say something else?  ..and ..well...I do not see anything wrong with what you are look ok..and look so s**y....e mail me..ok

  7. Yes I agree, its definitely the emo style that's holding you back.

  8. WOW.   ....I am NOT joking when I say this are REALLY beautiful.  If you lived in my town I would ask you in a heartbeat.  (I'm a good looking guy btw, so I have high standards.)  

    WHY DON'T YOU LIVE IN MY TOWN!?!      :D  

    Keep your chin up, you are extremely cute/beautiful whatever you wanna call it.  How old are you?  I am almost 21, and I would date you.  By the way...I used to be a christian, and I would not have dated you because you look emo.  However, I recently became atheist, and I know for a fact that I would ask you out if you lived in my town.  So...don't listen to anybody who says "stop being emo."  You continue rockin, and doing your own thing.  You look cute.  And those green

    Oh and btw...I was homeschooled from 1st grade thru 5th grade.  It got quite I told my mom I wanted to go to public school so I could have friends, LOL.   And that's what I did.  Keep being yourself babe.

  9. Honestly...

    I think your just fishing for compliments, maybe your not getting any boyfriends becoz you spend your days indoors, sitting the corner crying about how "miserable" your life is, you ever thought of that?

    lol your a riot

  10. i think you look gorgeous. and your still young so there is no rush in getting a boyfriend. i suggest you have fun with it. and go where the boys are if you want to attract them. instead of being upset, try enjoying your freedom and flirt with the cute guys.

    i wish you luck and have fun :)

  11. WOW, you are gorgeous under all that makeup.

    Just take all that off, guys like that better trust me.

    Also, just lay off of that emo ish dress.

    I'm not saying your emo, but maybe just put ur hair up in a ponytail, and wear some dresses

    hope that helped sweetheart! :)

  12. Ok, guys are prbly hesiate to talk to you , cuz u look like an emo kid.

    But if thats is you then be yourself, the rigth will come along and like you for you.  

  13. your beautiful..escpl u r eyes...

    i guess u shld go n talk to guys .

    b confidnet think u r beautiful act the way u mean it.

    then  u'll drag guys in rather then u goin back of em!n b urself.

    or in other words..u'll find one at d right time..thrz no need to worry!patience is all it matters

  14. Don't worry you will find some one when you least expect it!

    Hang-out with friends go to mall, go to clubs,and join some chat rooms!

  15. you have a pretty face, but stop being emo its weird. dress like a "popular" girl

  16. OMG you are so gorgeous! your eyes are amazing! omg you are amazingggggggggggggg!

  17. u will find a right guy when the time is right. so dont worry about it.  

  18. its def nothing to do with the way you look because you're very beautiful

  19. First of all your pretty. Maybe you should try hanging around at the mall, or some place without any old people. keep an open mind and try to be confident. best of luck

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