Ok, I posted a similar question earlier, but didn't get many answers. I'm currently at 11DPO, and have been testing daily since 9DPO. Yesterday I thought I saw a faint line, but when I looked again, nothing....and today was BFN. So, my question is for those of you who have tested daily before and finally got a BFP....when did it happen for you? And did you just suddenly get a BFP one morning? I'm trying not to obsess, but I'm really praying for this month to be our month.
Here are some symptoms I've had (but not sure if they're related to pregnancty): I had what felt like ovulation cramping (right side, same side as ovulation this month) at 7 & 8DPO. From 9DPO on, I've still had mild cramping, but it feels more like AF cramps (I usually get them the day before I start, or sometimes the day of, and I have a 14 day luteal phase). I've also been really gassy today and yesterday and have had diarrhea off an on for the past 2 days. Sorry, I know that's TMI!
So anyway, can anyone relate to my situation and offer up some personal experiences? Thank you so much!