
Repost :guyfriend over girlfriend....problem???

by Guest11105  |  earlier

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why do girls always want a guyfriend to only hangout with but not flirt or date............... insteat of just hanging out with girlfriends like they always do ???




  1. a guyfriend is just a guy friend.

    a boyfriend is one they love.

    they don't wanna be apart from guys.

    but imagine hanging out with girls all their life without any guy friends, its gonna be boring.

  2. Because there's a bond you have as friends and if you date, that bond might be tainted and once it is there's no going back. Me and my ex were friends, then we dated, but realized it wouldn't work since we just wanted to be friends. But once we became friends again, things weren't the same. We didn't hang out as much and didn't talk like we used to. it was weird

  3. well maybe they want a break from the girls. guys are different than girls, ya know? I know i've wanted guys who are just friends.  

  4. because girls gossip and judge while guys are easy to make friends with, they dont always judge a girl by what shes wearing or her hair etc and guys listen without too much response or trying to relate it to themselves.

  5. To remind you of just how expendable you are, and to keep you on your toes like some sort of circus dog.

  6. because girls are sooo CATTY , & sometimes girls ( like mee xD ) like to chill w/ guys thet're just soo EAASY to deal w/

  7. i dunno

    ill admit i do like having guy friends but not to flirt with

    i guess its like having the best of both worlds maybe

    like sometimes she has her girlfriends and sometimes she has her guyfriend

    me personally im not the type to have girlfriends cuz girls are kinda filled with drama

    guys are filled with drama too sometimes but its not as much as the girls i guess

  8. Because it's a change. It's fun to talk about shopping and The Hills and paint our nails pink talk about how hot the newest R&B singing is. But feels good laugh about the stupid stuff guys talk about and how they see things, and being in their presence is entertaining.

    It's not our fault that guys end up liking the girl that happens to be a friend.  

  9. girls want a guyfriend to talk to because they can be alot easier to talk to, they arent competing over whos wearing the nicest or trendiest or whatever clothes, girls can get really competitive and bratty together... maybe not exactly that, but they can get annoying, so its nice to have a guy who talks about other things [other things than clothes or boys or shopping or etc]

    guys are basically really different, and its nice for a change once in a while

  10. So that we can make fun of other guys and torture the guy who is always considered the 'Friend'

    Those guys usually turn g*y.

  11. Because maybe they dont need a relationship at the moment and just want someone to talk to anc chill wit. Sometimes girls just have too much drama so they prefer guy friends.  

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