
Repost with pics..Convict cichlid spitting sand and stone...?

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I re-posted this question with a picture of my male and female convicts per someone's request. The male is spitting sand and stone out of the barrel. I'm concerned that if they are preparing to mate, are the air bubbles coming thru holes in the barrel via an air stone going to interfere with the eggs? And is this mating behavior what I should expect from Convict Cichlids? I have at least 4 "cave-like" dwellings, and they chose the barrel. Answers appreciated! Picture link below:




  1. Nice pair easily!

    Well, I am figuring this is one of those decoration where the air comes out of it?  I'd assume then what the Convicts will do is avoid that part where the bubbles are.  Most likely the male will probably try to dig out a pit area nearby instead and allow the female to lay eggs in the pit.  Both parents are excellent parent and will watch over the spawn site very well.  They may just try to spawn in the decor too, but looking at it, I doubt there would be enough room.  

    Allow the parents to spawn where they see fit in this case.  Trying to relocate any eggs is likely going to ruin them.  If they spawn over the decor and the air bubbles interfere, then consider getting a seperate air stone, put it in the corner of the tank, and disconnect the air comming out of the decoration.

  2. Yep, getting ready to spawn/mate.  Notice the orange color on the smaller fish, also the enlarged breeding tube in front of her anal fin?  This tube and her brighter colors indicate she's ready to spawn.  However, since she doesn't look rounded out, she may already have laid her eggs..

    Hard to tell from the side on this pic.  Oh yeah, the smaller one is a female.

    The longer, pointed fins indicate that the larger fish it the male.  Male convicts grow larger than females and there is often a considerable size difference.

    Oh, the bubbles will be no problem, and will probably help in maintaining circulation around the eggs.

  3. convicts breeds pretty much in any don't have to be a die hard fish owner to get them to breed...i wouldn't worry about the bubbles interfering with the eggs because worse comes to worse they will choose a new place..

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