
Reptile sort of creature?

by Guest65458  |  earlier

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what can i buy as a pet im looking for a reptile preferabbly ones that dont need lots and lots of attention? anybody know any good suggestions and NOT bearded dragon or a snake i dont like snakes and my mum doesnt like beardies




  1. First of all sweetie, why would you want a reptile or any animal if it didn't need much attention???? What would be the purpose of owning one if you never pay attention to it?  If you want a reptile or animal you don't have to pay attention to, I suggest not getting any at all. All Reptiles, All animals require attention and care. The extent of care differs in reptiles, however I would hope that if you are interested in a reptile that depends on you for housing, food, water, heat, etc...that you would dedicate the attention and time to take care of it.

    I would not recommend getting a anole because they life span is very short. They don't live very long if at all. I'm curious as to why your mum doesn't like beardies. They are very docile and are beautiful. Maybe you should consider a turtle or frog. Easy to care for and very cute to have.  

  2. Leopard Gecko's are the best lizard for beginners. They are not "racers" like other lizards & their climbing is limited. They are easy to handle, social, but also do best on their own.

  3. Salamanders or newts. You dont hold them and all they need is a 10 gallon tank, crickets (to eat about 2-3 times a week), a water dish to bath in, good soil and some little fake/real plants. Make sure not to use gravel/rocks, its hard on there soft skin. Go to google and search for tiger salamanders and fire bellied newts. They are the best out of all. Good luck, email me anytime for questions!

  4. There aren't many reptiles that DO need attention. A good starter would be an anole like you mentioned. they are pretty skittish but I guess that doesn't matter since you don't want one that needs lots of attention. Leopard geckos are a little better since if you need to, they don't mind being picked up and will tolerate most handling if you feel like picking him up, you can. Neither anoles, or leopard geckos will get too big so you don't need to worry about buying large tanks. Someone at your local pet store should know the lizards there pretty well so talk to them when you buy your pet so you know what to expect. They also will give you a small care guide before you go so that should help with some questions that may arise.

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