
Reptile sticky situation?

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hey just moved my 1 year old corn into a 26 gallon tank and i have a 24"x14"x13" tank and i want another reptile but i dunno wat a gecko? or a bearded dragon? or sumthing else any suggestions and wat else do i need for the viv?, i was hoping this tank would do for the rest of there lives so peraps a gecko is a good idea but wat else do need? plz help and wat happens if i go on holiday how will it feed (gecko) i am used to a snake which feeds once a week! plz help!!!




  1. get a gecko as the tank you have is far to small for a beardy.

  2. I wouldnt suggest a gecko if you are going to be away they need daily cleaning/feeding.

    Maybe a garter snake or something

  3. If you dont want a gecko then  your stuck with snakes. That cage would be good for a rosy boa or kenyan sand boa, both are good pet snakes.

  4. get another snake because thats what you are good at if you get a gecko you will be endargering a animal

  5. bearded dragons need a bigger cage than that later in life. same as ball pythons and corn snakes. geckos would be perfect. i dont believe there is a reptile that can last while your away. but geckos are small and easy

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