
Republican Feminist?

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Sociologically speaking, isn't it a little contradicting since to be a republican feminist, since republicanism stems from fascist ideals, which in and of itself doesn't support woman's rights?




  1. I can recall when Republicans were more moderate and not dominated by the religious extremists like they are today. In my opinion, more women should join this party, especially if they agree with it more than they do Democrats. That's because their numbers are likely to drive out the more extremist elements and make it more like the party of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt again.

  2. There are conservative feminists. Look up Pamela Bone, or Janet Albrechtson, a columnist for the newspaper The Australian.

  3. The only contradiction I can see is that most Republicans are pro-life and most feminists are pro-choice. Otherwise, Republicans believe in giving people the freedom to reach their full potential, just as feminists do.

  4. Republicanism stems from individual rights, individual responsibility, and capitalism.  In all of these respects, liberalism is closer to fascism in fact.  A woman having the right to run her life her way is conservativism.

  5. Level the playing field.....

    It's a woman's right to choose........You chose when you chose to have s*x.

    It's a man's decision as well......Not just yours.

    If you wanted something to do with that male then it's 50-50.

    Pro-Choice is the new Pro Death.

  6. I don't know of many women Republicans who are feminist. I know women Republicans who have some beliefs that may seem to be in accordance with feminism, but they do not call themselves feminists. I like radio talk show host, Laura Ingram, author of 'Power To The People'.

  7. Ok anyone can stick an 'R' behind their name and call themselves Republican (like John McCain)

    I am not a Republican.

    I am a Conservative who happens to vote for Republicans that are Conservatives.

    Their is a big difference.

    And if you are truly Conservative you are not feminist...

    Right to vote doesnt mean feminism...

    Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Laura Ingraham Ann Coulter.

    Not feminists..Conservatives

  8. Not really. Republicanism stems from liberalism, which is also what feminism stems from - the idea of rights for all, democracy (as opposed to monarchy) and pure capitalism  = economic liberalism :-)

  9. i agree. i don't think you can be a Republican and still be a feminist. the republican party is inherently anti-woman.
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