
Republican Political Party...?

by Guest58245  |  earlier

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What is the Republican Party known for (traits of it).




  1. Republicans believe in VERY limited federal government control...A strong military and law enforcement...Lower Taxes...and tend to be more "Religious" Nowadays, but religion is NOT historically a trait of republicans.

  2. Republicans tend to favor the "true American". Unfortunately what the seems to mean in most cases is the "rich white people". Often their policies crush the immigrants and those who are looking to change classes.

    This is all to say that most plans put forth by the Republican Party will help the rich more than the poor. It is, in the end, the rich people's money that funds their campaigns.

  3. corruption greed and stomping out the middle class

  4. YOU don't know that? Duh, girlfriend MONEY! $$$$ High class people.

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