
Republican type people...I have a question for you.?

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I'm voting for Obama...does this mean I support abortions? Does it mean I enjoy seeing people have abortions?

Have you ever thought that maybe the fake "abortion" issue isn't what everyone bases their votes on? Republicans had majority in congress and the president for 4 years and they never did ONE thing about abortion. They use it as a tool to get votes...but some of you can't see past that.

So, is abortion the biggest issue our country is facing today? And if I support Obama, does that mean I SUPPORT abortion?




  1. For me its a non-issue. Maybe it would make my top 100 .

    But it does seem that more Pro-Choice people think its more an issue then Pro-life.  In reality its just a wedge issue to get out the vote

  2. I am more on the economic side and why I will vote Republican

    Less taxes, less government ... more independence.

  3. I'm a republican (voted for bush twice) but I've voting for Obama this year.  He just seems like the better choice.

    Keep in mind all elections are between a Giant Douche and a t**d sandwhich.  I couldn't stand Kerry or Gore so i voted for what i thought was the better pick.  

    In hindsight I still don't think it was a bad choice, although Bush is a S****y president I don't want to know what Kerry or Gore would have done.

    Anyway Congress actually passes laws and legislation, a president is mostly a figure head.

    As far as a vote for a democrat being a vote for abortion that just isn't true and everyone knows it except the anti abortion people.  They are almost n**i's with how they act towards other people.  "If you aren't with us lets blow you up, we can save kids lives!"  It's ridiculous.

    I am pro-choice though, i think it's up to the mother to decide if she is capable of raising a child or giving birth and then leaving the kid up for adoption.  If she isn't up to it and there is a way out then let her do what is best for her.

    Also in theory condoms are a form of abortion, are they anti condoms too since they prevent the sperm from reaching the egg?  Both the sperm and egg die.  

    What about the process of fertiliztion...hundreds of million sperm die and only one gets to that fair?  I think we should do an election process to vote that sperm the winner!  (not really)

  4. Based on how Palin's daughter is being treated, yes.  Liberals apparently want pregnant women to secretly get abortions so the "problem" will just "go away."

  5. I believe that you vote for a candidate that has similar beliefs that you do.

  6. I don't understand why you are even asking that question. The GOP platform is not focusing on abortion. The ONLY way abortion laws are going to be overturned is going to be through the courts. Although the conservatism of the court is beginning to shift, it is still strongly Liberal. So that won't change until more conservative judges are appointed to the bench.

  7. No, just like Im a republican and I am not necessarily against abortion.  But Id rather have a president who wants to try and create more jobs than attempt to give more money to the poor.  Reason being, if you tax the richer heavier, then they stop investing as much(stocks, small business, etc), business owners arent able to expand as much, and retail companies have to raise prices to keep up the bottom line.  Then the poor end up paying more money just to get by, have less jobs available, and barely any new jobs being created.  But I guess it does fair well for the few that would be able to keep their jobs.  Although, are they going to start investing in stocks and small businesses?  doubtful.

    That is why Im republican, not because of abortion issues, so dont lump us all in together.  

    P.S. all politicians use political battle lines to get votes, democrat and republican.  I just prefer my president to be honest and say that he wants the people who have earned being wealthy to stay wealthy, than to be a liar and say that he wants to help the poor when he is rich himself and there is no way someone would tax themselves and their biggest campaign contributors more.

    EDIT - Joe, condoms are not a form of abortion because the sperm never reaches the egg and abortion can only be done once a baby is conceived, first of all.  And second, many religious people are against the use of contraceptives, so yes some of them are anti-condom.

  8. If you vote for a candidate then you are voting for everything that they run on. So, yes, by voting for Obama you are in fact voting for abortion.

  9. yeah dude, I would think that if you support someone who supports abortion then you yourself support it.....

    also just because people in the house and all the republican big wigs didn't do anything about abortion in the last 4 years doesn't mean that we the people don't stand on corners of abortion clinics at 5:30 in the morning twice a week for the last 4 years.

    and remember the voice of America's people is the most important voice in politics...

  10. I guess so.

  11. Wow. Do you really believe that even a majority of Republicans base their vote on abortion policy? While the pro-life stance is part of the platform, the fact is that abortion remains legal as long as Roe v. Wade stands; and it will remain legal even after Roe v. Wade is overturned, in the states that keep it legal.

    So, many of us don't really see it as an important issue for election - because we know that the legislators and the President are not in the decision loop on abortion.

    It's more economics, foreign policy, trade, the role of the federal government, taxes, etc. that guide my decision.

    As for using it for a tool, the Dems do the same thing, with NOW and NARAL making it a big deal. Why not equally chastise both sides that make it an issue?

  12. It does mean you support abortion since Obama's position is extreme on the issue.  The man voted against a "law" that got a 98-0 vote in the US Senate when he was a state senator (state version of the federal law).  He voted against a fetus getting medical attention when the late term abortion failed and the fetus was removed alive - he voted to have the fetus put on a table and left to die!  You support that candidate you support that horrible act - period.

  13. People vote for different issues. Some for abortion , some for hate, some for greed and others for equality

  14. No, it doesn't mean you support Obama. But it does mean that you support the wrong person.

  15. That's mostly what I base my votes on.  It's a life or death issue - we're committing genocide on our future.

  16. Most people don't support EVERY policy their candidate believes. I don't agree with everything McCain believe, but my views match his more than Obama. I don't think that every Obama supporter supports abortion.

    However, I am pro life and that is one reason I will not support Obama.

  17. sorry, but the fact of millions of dead babies is not a 'tool' to those who are on the side of life.

    that the republican congress has been remiss in refusing to address the genocide ocurring in America under the guise of 'privacy' is something Lifers abhor.

    and yes, if you support an abortionist, you are an abortion supporter. duh.

  18. Abortion is just ONE example of how Obama's moral compass is misguided.

    The President really has no authority to change Roe V Wade, but how he feels about abortion/life and the AUTHORITY OF PARENTS of minor teens says a LOT about the "man".

    I don't like Obama, and have yet to read anything about the man that I like or respect.

  19. YES YES YES!  

  20. No one is "pro-abortion."  

    Personally, I don't think the abortion issues matters at all.  Everyone has differing opinions.  The fact is the Supreme Court made a ruling and generally does not reverse its previous rulings.  Precedences tends to be important within the legal system...

    What I wonder, however, is why you are asking about abortions when you, too, believe it is a non-issue?  You are accusing republicans of using "fake" issues but you- a self-described Obama follower- is the one bringing it up...

  21. No. It only means you are supporting someone who will insure that abortions, partial birth abortions and post birth abortions are able to take place.

  22. First, I'm no Repukeblican. I just love their hypocrisy. They say that our ideas have failed, etc. yet we have only been in real power 8 years of the past 30+ years. Those 8 years were under Bill Clinton. I didn't hear anybody whining about those 8 years, except, of course, those hypocrites.  

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