
Republicans, What Do You Really Think About Excessive Government Spending?

by Guest10736  |  earlier

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Republicans, What Do You Really Think About Excessive Government Spending?

Can it all be blamed on Democrats?

Can it all be blamed on Republicans?

What do you think about the Bush Administration admitting the next President will inherit a $490 billion dollar deficit? (

What do you think about the $900 million wasted on Iraq contracts? (

What do you think about the $40 million wasted on an empty Iraqi prison? (

And how do you feel about the $12 billion that went missing in Iraq? (

What do you think about BILLIONS of dollars of US tax payers money going to build pro-sports stadiums?

Is this all really indicative of the "small" government Republicans are always touting?




  1. I am opposed to every thing in your list.  

    Republicans today are what Democrats were 40 years ago.

    Democrats today are what Communists were 40 years ago.

    Both parties are moving to the left.

    I wish I had more choice, but I am left choosing between the lesser of two evils.

  2. Even though I am a Libertarian, I would rather have our money spent on Americans in America rather than in going to a useless war for war profiteers and corrupt government officials.

  3. I think it is WRONG but Democrats will not do it RIGHT either.

    Because Democrats want to waste my TAXES MONEY on Welfares too.

    A stable Iraqi Governemnt will benefit America in the long run.  Welfares on Lazy people is a ENDLESS money pit.

  4. I think that both Democrats and Republicans over-spend. I think Democrats are more prone to over-spend on social programs and Republicans are more prone to over-spend on military programs and economic bailouts of private companies (which I think is grossly unconstitutional even if it is intended to help avoid an economic downturn).

    Either way, our government is too big and spends too much. We cannot continue to ignore the national debt forever.

    The republican party used to represent the ideal of a smaller limited government. They used to believe that government should be just large enough to provide military protection, law enforcement, roads, schools, parks, and a limited welfare program.

  5. Both parties are to blame, although it does hurt more when a republican expands government and the debt.

    All presidents since the 1800's have expanded the government and added to the national debt, even the famous Bill Clinton, although many will say he had a balanced budget, he did for one year, but he borrowed money from SS to do it.

  6. You shouldn`t have to ask because their actions speak for themselves.  Maybe you mean "how do you justify it?"

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