
Republicans, are you proud of McCain's VP choice, why or why not?

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Republicans, are you proud of McCain's VP choice, why or why not?




  1. I am happy with this particular choice because of her record as a home grown legislator, her apparent ability to communicate, and the philosophy she stands for. And I am one of those who prefer men in power, so she changed my opinion of the ability of women in politics.

  2. OVER THE MOON excited!!

    Palin is a true reformer!  Wait unti all the facts come out...she just keeps getting better and better:

    Ran as a reformer, and won.

    First action as governor was lowering her own salary.

    No afraid to take on her own party if it is wrong.

    Most popular gov. in America.

    All while raising 5 who will soon be serving in Iraq.

    If she is not experienced enough for you, then neither is Obama.

    She is perfect!

  3. Very proud...and excited.  I first heard of her back in the Spring when some conservative blogs started mentioning her name as a a possible VP.  I began to research her and really liked what I read.  She was the one I was personally hoping he would choose.  When she wasn't mentioned on any "short lists", however, I thought it wouldn't happen.  I was very surprised and pleased when the announcement was made!

  4. Proud.  She worked to get where she is unlike some others.

    Palin's Resume:

    1-Sports reporter for local Anchorage tv station while also working with her husband as a commercial fisherman

    2-Mr. and Mrs. Palin owned an outdoor motor vehicle store from 1994-1997

    3-From 1992-1996 served two terms on the Wasilla City Council

    4-1996 defeated the encumbent mayor citing wasteful spending and high taxes as her battle cry

    5-Cut her own salary as well as reduced property taxes by 60%

    6-Elected President of the Alaska Council of Mayors

    7-Appointed Ethics Commisioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Committee

    8-Elected as the youngest and first woman to be Alaska's Governor

    9-Successfully pushed for an ethics bill and shelved pork barrel projects by fellow Republicans

    10-In all of 2007 she had a voter approval rating in 90 percentile

    11- As of JUly 2008, Hays Research showed her approval rating at 80%. The highest approval rating of any Governor in the USA.

    Also, her true conservative ideals are in line with that of the Reagan era conservatives.  Goldwater, Reagan and those like them would be proud of her and what she stands for.

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