
Republicans, do you actually believe Fox News and your other cult leaders wouldn't have criticized.....?

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Obama if he had a 17 year old, unmarried pregnant daughter? Are you kidding me? If it had been Obama's daughter we would be hearing about it for years. It would become the old "stand by" for Republicans anytime they want to feel morally superior.

Republicans, are you saying you all would have stayed quiet and "protected her privacy" if Obama was in the same situation? Are you kidding me?




  1. Yes, I am sure it would be talked about but not to this extent. Remember when Gore was running for President and his son got a DUI and other troubles? That was never blown up like this has been . Was he a bad father because of it? Should he have stayed home to care for HIS  children? The media sat on the John Edwards affair for months until they were outed by a tabloid. He was also running for president. Joe Biden should have stayed home and cared for his kids and resigned his seat because of his wifes death?NO.  There is undoubtedly a double standard going on here. Why can't you libs see it for what it is?  The negativity is overwhelming here. Bad news is good news for the libs it seems.

  2. yes. yes i do.

  3. That wouldn't happen. The punishment would have been a victim of infantcide. Obama would not allow his daughters punishment to live.

  4. This woman is the exact opposite of what Republicans claim to be.....

    If any , and I mean any Democrat or non-Republican had a teenage daughter that was pregnant, Republicans would vilify them as poor parents who did not teach their child about abstinence.  There would be all kinds of remarks about the morality of that family..........

    but the incredible spin of the Republicans, that is second to none , has already started.....  Palin has not only risen to the the level of mother of the year, but I'm sure in a day or so, we will be hearing about her being nominated for Sainthood.....

  5. Frankly, Fox News is only slightly more reliable than the Weekly World News.  That's not specific to the agency, either.  Our media has almost as much propaganda as that of foriegn countries.

    I actually trust the BBC more than American news.

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