
Republicans, what is your argument about experience now?

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Palin doesn't have much.




  1. Your wrong. She has experience in pageantry.  Lol.

    Seriously. Mccain seriously thinks people are idiots. He basically just lost the election. Pick somebody who has substance and not just pretty or whatever.

  2. Palin doesn't have as much as some... but she has more than Obama, and he is running for President.

    :)  Its not a hard arguement.  She has governed a state, she has leadership experience and Obama only has 148 days in senate and a community organizer background.  No executive experience.

    Palin is a great choice.  If the people want a fresh face, a shake up in DC, some youth and new ideas.  She is perfect.  If the people want a

    "minority" or somebody who isn't a white male, she is a perfect choice.

    She is smart and tough... wait and see!

  3. She has more than your PRESIDENTIAL candidate.

  4. Sarah is not at the top of the ticket like the "commuinty organizer" is.  At least she has executive experience running a state that gave her an 80% approval rating.

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