
Republicans, what will you do when the elected republicans vote for more federal control over health care?

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where are you going to go




  1. ...I'm an Honorably discharged (Vietnam service) Veteran...  I get my health care from the VA   Oh, I'm not a Republic"con" or a Dummycrat...  I'm an Independent American !

  2. If they want to live in an industrial country with no national healthcare their choices will be very, very narrow. Even Mexico is getting in on the act.

  3. Get thrown under the bus.... ;)

  4. better than the idiot who's idea of a good health care system is the same kinda system that Canada has  

  5. that is exactly what obama and clinton advoactaed. what the h**l do you think UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is. It's SOCIALIZED MEDICINE (gov't run).

  6. Buy a bus from the bus lady and drive on over to Obama's house... I hear he is handing out free sausages.....   as soon as the sausage bus brings em' in.....

  7. I think it'll be a federal crime to buy even a condom soon.

  8. The Republican candidates are also saying that we need health care reform.  That is a major factor in the platform they are running on.  That's why they got selected.  

    The big difference is not health care reform.  The big difference is the way it needs to get done.  So, the Republicans aren't that different from Democrats in their philosophy.  There is a big difference on how it needs to be done, that's all.

    We need a common sense solution that won't devastate the quality of health care.  All the "mandates" and controls the Democrats are pushing for will ruin health care quality for all.  The only real change needed is to find a way to include those that have no coverage now, and that number is relativly small.

  9. Why are you only asking Republicans?

    Thanks for your answer.  Well I am an independent and what I would do is watch McCain veto it and enough politicians who care about quality health care uphold the veto, I hope.

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