
Republicans , on here and elsewhere, are quick to talk about ending social welfare?

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why do they never talk about ending corporate welfare?




  1. Dear truth Seeker,

    In case you didn't know corporations create jobs. Take a course and do a little research before asking a question like this. You dems can not support this argument.

  2. Because they are all white and privileged...and if anyone in their family falls on hard times, the church people help.

    Corporate Welfare?  It's their raison d'etre!!!

  3. better yet lets talk about the billions of dollars of tax payers money politicians spend a year on lavish vacations etc; no they don't want to attack real issues typical republicans always want to be the correct one but look how they f.... the country good job boys !!!

  4. That is where their money is.  They will cut social programs at the first chance but give Big Oil (which has record profits) more tax cuts and freebies.  

  5. Because if you must be hard working middle class if you earn less than 5 million a year-

    If you believe in the market then-

    your business model should not depend on lobbyist defined tax breaks and corporate welfare.  But when things aren't fair CEO's and CFO's want entitlements, hmmm but I employ people, wahhhh, but I pay taxes, wahhh, but it's hard wahhh, health care costs are going up, wahhh- yeah duh, My client will go somewhere else or go foriegn- duh

    Oh yeah being a good boss is actually hard.  Being the decider and making descions are two different things.

    I guess it does matter on who you vote for... Compassionate Conservatism hah- Thank god for Bernake feathering us down from what could of been a freefall

    I wish the Rove Republicans in power were like the Scottish where the worth one man is no greater than another. Corporate welfare is the same just with more 0's

  6. Why not end all welfare?

  7. That is a good question.

    It seems ironic that so many approve of the money being spent to pay the cost of war with 2 countries that did not attack us and the billions being sent to other countries to aid their less fortunate people. And the billions wasted on this useless drug war, yet complain about helping the home countries less fortunate.

    Those that believe all people getting state welfare help are slackers or just don`t want to work have no idea how the system works.   Yes some abuse the system and I don`t know how they manage that to do that, but in my state if you get pregnant after you get State Aid, that child will not be covered and there is a time limit for the employable.

  8. Were not we jsut don't think we should raise how much they get why should my money be taking away to help them jsut because their to lazy to get jobs....

  9. Because Corporations help pay for the elections and some people don't believe that poor people vote.

  10. My father and sister and brotheri-in-law get over 60,000 a year

    from Social Security,(the three together)

    How will you support the Illegals,

  11. By serving corporations, we are serving the people. If you raise taxes on business then they raise prices on consumers to make up the difference. They also ship jobs overseas because they have less money to pay an American wage.  

  12. Corporations do something - welfare slackers do nothing.

    Corporations create jobs, people with jobs pay taxes. Corporations sell things or services that are probably taxed -again adding to the government coffers. Corporations provide things and services that we need. They are doing something to make our lives better.

    Welfare slackers do absolutely nothing except steal my hard-earned money. I didn't have cable and air conditioning for a long time because I couldn't afford it, yet the welfare slacker has both. I had to live at home with my parents for a long time because I couldn't afford to move out. Welfare slackers get their own apartment immediately.

    See, there's the difference.


  13. John McCain cares SO much that he'll expect your to help yourself - like a good american!

    Obama cares SO much, that he'll try to help.

  14. I love it when certain people don't understand how hurting corporations will actually hurt them, and how helping corporations will help them. Do you have any equity investments? Do you have a 401K? How about life insurance? Will you be receiving a pension? Are you employed by a corporation?Does the company you work for invest any of their profits in equities? Are you a fan of any art or sport where there is a corporate sponsor? Are you associated with any major charity? Do you like watching t.v. and your liberal news? Do you like reading your liberal newspaper?

    You see, if you live in America, whether you like it or not, corporations are in your very fabric. By taxing them to the hilt on the profits that they make you are constricting any benefit that you normally derive from their success (as you can see if you've answered "yes" to any of those questions I've posed above).

    Also, while now you might like to tell other people and companies how much they should make (and what a fair profit is); you sure wouldn't like it if some day YOU became successful and someone told you the same. Wake up!

  15. They are not the same thing,,,

    Social welfare is taking money from a working persons pay check to give to a non-working person.

    Corporate welfare is allowing a corporation to pay less taxes, if they spend an equal amount of the money on environmental friendly products, or hiring disabled employees, or promoting conservation, or community donations to charity's.

    There is also subsides, which corporations get from the government, to allow a level playing field for competition, with foreign companies that have little or no environmental laws.

    But I will agree with you and say "eliminate corporate and social welfare".

  16. Their economy has put more people on welfare than ever.

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