
Republicans: Do you wish to oust Palin as the VP choice at the convention and put someone else in her place?

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I'm listening to a local talk radio show and he has a host, Camile Conte, from KUDO in Anchorage. She (Conte) says a dozen or so staffers from the McCain campaign are up there finishing the vetting process! This is somethig they should have done before he picked Palin. What was McCain thinking? This was the first biggest executive decision he had to make as a possible President, and he blew it.

Anyway, some are now predicting that the Republican Party could oust Palin as the VP choice this week and put someone else in her place. Seems like a Catch 22 to me... But what do you think?




  1. I can't imagine why she would be ousted.   And I don't think it will happen.   The only ones who seem to want her out are Democrats.

  2. They will all say no, but if it happens they will agree with the decision and immediately support the new guy.

    Because it it happens, it will be a guy.

  3. Why?

  4. I highly doubt that they would oust a VP after picking her.  How bad would that look for a president.  "Hey yeah I made a bad choice and I'm not even in office yet!".  

    I like her but even if McCain doesnt, he is stuck with her.

  5. No more than TRUE democrats would like to dump Obama.

  6. The McCain team that is there is a communications team, not a vetting team.

  7. I think they would be smart to do so, but I am not counting on it. The safe bet was Romney

  8. Are you kidding me? A hot VP and a hot 1st Lady. Sounds like a win win for the red blooded American male!

  9. I am a Republican, and honestly have seen or heard of nobody in the Republican party who was completely against choosing her.

    In my opinion, the only Republicans against choosing her are sexist and old-fashioned. I'm glad to see the Republican Party moving forward, because I do think many of us younger Republicans were beginning to doubt our own party.

  10. The reports I have read said that the McCain camp was well aware of the daughter's pregnancy, the "Troopergate" investigation and the husband's drunk driving conviction 20 years ago.

    Jesus himself could not pass all of the scrutiny that the press and the Dems have already put this family through.

  11. dream on alice you will get to wonder land.   mccains choice has been made and probably will win with her    mr  doodles.    

    ps  didn't your momma teach you that sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt them!!!!!!

  12. There is a thought why not this might help McCain.. if he wants to win...  

  13. The Republicans are pretending that this is a good pick to save McCain and like good little "Ditto heads"; Conservatives are falling right in line. A shame cons will go to any length to save a follow con even when it isn't in America's best interest. I had some respect for the Republican party until this.They should be offended by this pick as it shows McCain will do anything to prop himself and will forgo the country. Conservatives were always about national defense, values and experience. Palin shows little of this and was unheard of but they will spin this as if she has more experience then anyone. l am truly embarrassed by our political system now and everyone should demand better instead of falling in line.  

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