
Republicans: Does experience matter, or not?

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  1. What usually seems to matter most in political debate is to be right.  When you are partisan and make appeal to principles support your positions, you'll sooner or later face the uncomfortable choice of abandoning partisanship or betraying principle.  Most people when faced with that choice will blank out.  Their brains will generate some form of cognitive dissonance that will allow them to reconcile the contradictions.

    I think that was the point of your question, right?  Just in case you're really interested in experience per se, when selecting someone to do a job you usually want someone with the proven experience to do it.  End of story.  Personally, I challenge whether we should be looking for people to do the jobs that we expect of our politicians.  I'd be happy to have no one (experience or not) filling their roles if it were up to me alone.

  2. They said it was so important. She will have to sit across from Joe Biden. They say the don't know about Obama yet all I know about this women is she has misused her power. She admits to being involved in the firing of a man who as she says "I don't like the way he treated my sister". So she has the experience they want. She fits in with Cheney, Rove, Bush, she will be loyal to a person but mis-uses her power. Any republican who votes for her knowing this can not be trusted. I would like to know what they think about her coruption

  3. Experienced only mattered until today.

  4. (1) let's get serious this show the lack of judgment on McCain part.(2)Palin is no Hillary  Clinton she only been a Governor for 2 years and we are talking about Alaska where the wild life out number the peoples 20 to 1.(3)  i would not feel comfortable having Palin running this  country in a case where  something happening to McCain  .3) Palin is under a  ethic investigation  .4) We know that Biden is ready to lead on day one if something ever happen to Obama. I personally think McCain just handed the presidency to OBAMA.

  5. I would rather have my VP get on the job training rather then the President.

    Yes Experience matters to me and thats another reason I'm voting for McCain

  6. what is your point. she has been the govenor of an entire state, not a senator for a few days, who voted present 130 times.

  7. It only matters if it's in their favor.

    Republicans always say one thing until the shoe is on their foot.

  8. Nope, not at all. They are the do as I say, not as I do...because I own you anyway party.

  9. I'm just ASTOUNDED by McCain's pick. Stupid stupid stupid.

    There goes the expeerience, celebrity and national security issues. McCain obviously can't get his brain past his weenie

  10. Experience DOES matter, and the President of the United States of America should DEFINITELY have more experience than the Vice President!!!!

  11. Yes. I think Palin is a very smart move for McCain.  

  12. It only matters to them if they are talking about Democrats.  But it doesn't matter if they are Republican and apparently "hot","hot", "hot".

  13. It only matters if you're a democrat.  If you're a republican it doesn't.  I just don't get it.  This is not a good pick for the Republicans.  

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